Build date: 2012/09/06 18:23:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream
- Archive::Extract::Libarchive
- Archive::Peek::Libarchive
- Business::PayPal
- Calendar::Slots
- Carp::Parse::Redact
- Config::Ant
- Crypt::Skip32::XS
- Data::Clone
- DateTime::BusinessHours
- DateTime::Format::ISO8601
Increasing its reputation:
- Amon2 (6)
- Any::Moose (3)
- AnyEvent::Gearman (2)
- App::Nopaste (6)
- App::cpanminus (55)
- App::cpanoutdated (18)
- App::p (5)
- App::perlbrew (53)
- App::perlfind (7)
- App::pmuninstall (12)
- (0)
- CGI::Application (6)
- CHI (11)
- Capture::Tiny (11)
- Carp::Always (11)
- Carp::Always::Color (2)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication (5)
- Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD (4)
- Catalyst::Runtime (54)
- Class::Inspector (3)
- Compress::LZ4 (2)
- Compress::Snappy (3)
- Config::Identity (2)
- Config::IniFiles (2)
- Config::Properties (2)
- Config::Role (2)
- Config::Tiny (4)
- Const::Fast (5)
- Crypt::Eksblowfish (3)
- DBD::Pg (12)
- DBD::SQLite (13)
- DBI (56)
- DBIx::Class (67)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (10)
- DBIx::Connector (8)
- Daemon::Control (10)
- Dancer (67)
- Data::Printer (24)
- DateTime (52)
Does no-one vote for anything beginning with E, F, ... Z? Might be useful to add a link to the full lists, if this is created by a script that only lists a maximum number of entries.
ResponderEliminarThat's the complete list of this week