
2 jun 2024

(cdxcviii) 7 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. CPAN::Audit - Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities
    • Version: 20240601.001 on 2024-06-01, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 20240503.001 was 29 days before
    • Author: BDFOY
  2. Cpanel::JSON::XS - cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
    • Version: 4.38 on 2024-05-28, with 45 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 4.37 was 10 months, 24 days before
    • Author: RURBAN
  3. GD - Perl interface to the libgd graphics library
    • Version: 2.82 on 2024-05-27, with 28 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.81 was 24 days before
    • Author: RURBAN
  4. HTTP::Message - HTTP style message (base class)
    • Version: 6.46 on 2024-05-27, with 66 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 6.45 was 8 months before
    • Author: OALDERS
  5. Log::Contextual - Simple logging interface with a contextual log
    • Version: 0.009001 on 2024-05-29, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.009000 was 14 days before
    • Author: HAARG
  6. Math::BigInt - Pure Perl module to test Math::BigInt with scalars
    • Version: 2.003003 on 2024-05-27, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.003002 was 4 months, 21 days before
    • Author: PJACKLAM
  7. PDL::Stats - a collection of statistics modules in Perl Data Language, with a quick-start guide for non-PDL people.
    • Version: 0.84 on 2024-05-27, with 14 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.83 was 1 year, 1 month, 26 days before
    • Author: ETJ

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