
25 feb 2024

(cdlxxxiv) 9 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. CPAN::Changes - Parser for CPAN style change logs
    • Version: 0.500003 on 2024-02-22, with 31 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.500002 was 3 months, 27 days before
    • Author: HAARG
  2. Expect - automate interactions with command line programs that expose a text terminal interface.
    • Version: 1.36 on 2024-02-23, with 27 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.35 was 6 years, 9 months, 5 days before
    • Author: JACOBY
  3. IO::AIO - Asynchronous/Advanced Input/Output
    • Version: 4.81 on 2024-02-20, with 16 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 4.8 was 10 months, 19 days before
    • Author: MLEHMANN
  4. Compress::Zlib - IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
    • Version: 2.207 on 2024-02-18, with 16 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.206 was 6 months, 24 days before
    • Author: PMQS
  5. Log::ger - A lightweight, flexible logging framework
    • Version: 0.042 on 2024-02-23, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.041 was 18 days before
    • Author: PERLANCAR
  6. Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl
    • Version: 5.20240223 on 2024-02-23, with 43 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.20240129 was 25 days before
    • Author: BINGOS
  7. OrePAN2 - Yet another DarkPAN manager.
    • Version: 0.52 on 2024-02-19, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.51 was 7 days before
    • Author: OALDERS
  8. perlfaq - Frequently asked questions about Perl
    • Version: 5.20240218 on 2024-02-18, with 12 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.20230812 was 6 months, 6 days before
    • Author: ETHER
  9. SPVM - SPVM Language
    • Version: 0.989080 on 2024-02-23, with 31 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.989073 was 8 days before
    • Author: KIMOTO

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