
2 dic 2023

(cdlxxii) 10 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
  1. App::lcpan - Manage your local CPAN mirror
    • Version: 1.072 on 2023-12-02, with 14 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.071 was 1 year, 2 months, 13 days before
    • Author: PERLANCAR
  2. Date::Manip - Date manipulation routines
    • Version: 6.93 on 2023-12-01, with 19 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 6.92 was 5 months, 24 days before
    • Author: SBECK
  3. DBD::mysql - A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
    • Version: 5.003 on 2023-12-01, with 54 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.002 was 1 month, 8 days before
    • Author: DVEEDEN
  4. Imager - Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images
    • Version: 1.021 on 2023-12-01, with 63 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.020 was 19 days before
    • Author: TONYC
  5. Math::BigInt - Pure Perl module to test Math::BigInt with scalars
    • Version: 2.002000 on 2023-12-02, with 13 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.001001 was 11 days before
    • Author: PJACKLAM
  6. Minion - Job queue
    • Version: 10.28 on 2023-11-28, with 104 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 10.27 was 8 days before
    • Author: SRI
  7. Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl
    • Version: 5.20231129 on 2023-11-29, with 43 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.20231120 was 9 days before
    • Author: BINGOS
  8. Net::DNS - Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
    • Version: 1.41 on 2023-11-27, with 26 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.40 was 2 months, 28 days before
    • Author: NLNETLABS
  9. Test::Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests.
    • Version: 1.302198 on 2023-11-30, with 190 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.302196 was 1 month, 6 days before
    • Author: EXODIST
  10. Text::CSV - comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
    • Version: 2.04 on 2023-12-02, with 79 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.03 was 3 months, 22 days before
    • Author: ISHIGAKI
Also, perl had 3 new releases:
  1. perl-5.34.3 - The Perl 5 language interpreter
    • Version: 5.034003 on 2023-11-29, with 421 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.34.2 was 4 days before
    • Author: PEVANS
  2. perl-5.36.3 - The Perl 5 language interpreter
    • Version: 5.036003 on 2023-11-29, with 421 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.36.2 was 4 days before
    • Author: PEVANS
  3. perl-5.38.2 - The Perl 5 language interpreter
    • Version: 5.038002 on 2023-11-29, with 421 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.38.1a was 4 days before
    • Author: PEVANS

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