
31 dic 2023

20 best Perl questions at stackoverflow in 2023

This is the 20 most rated questions at 2023 Stack Overflow.
Between brackets: question score & answers count
Built date: 2023/12/31 07:41:19 GMT

  1. Why are "1...2" and "1....2" not syntax errors? - [22/2]
  2. WARNING: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is deprecated and will be removed in a future version - [19/2]
  3. Trying to extract a substring and version number from a filename using bash - [7/5]
  4. Bitwise operator XOR (^) gives different results in linux and windows - [7/1]
  5. Image::Magick is gone from Perl CPAN - where is it? - [6/5]
  6. How do you use globbing in perl for a one-liner with many files, avoiding xargs/find/etc - [7/4]
  7. Why does my Perl function prototype of "(&;+)" still require 'sub'? - [6/3]
  8. Why does =~ only evaluate once? - [6/3]
  9. Why does a variable in Perl not respect a `package` statement? - [6/2]
  10. Subroutine with same name in 2 different CPAN modules - [6/2]
  11. Return to old behavior for Perl hash randomization - [6/2]
  12. How does Perl apparently avoid catastrophic backtracking? - [6/2]
  13. Where in the perl documentation does it mention 0.0001, 0.00001 printing differences? - [6/1]
  14. Perl's "Package::->method()" (colon-colon-arrow) notation - [6/1]
  15. Is it possible to use Smart::Comments:from<Perl5> in a raku program? - [6/0]
  16. Randomize txt file in Linux but guarantee no repetition of lines - [5/7]
  17. Reverse string in specific fields with condition - [5/5]
  18. Use of parentheses with a block argument in grep produces unexpected outcome - [5/3]
  19. Getting URL content in chunks with callback function - [4/2]
  20. Where does this \r\n come from when I redirect STDOUT to a PTY in Perl? - [5/2]

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