5 ago 2023

(cdlv) 12 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
    • Version: 1.7047 on 2023-07-30, with 277 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.7046 was 1 year, 3 months, 3 days before
    • Author: MIYAGAWA
  2. App::cpm - a fast CPAN module installer
    • Version: 0.997013 on 2023-08-05, with 68 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.997012 was 28 days before
    • Author: SKAJI
  3. App::Sqitch - Sensible database change management
    • Version: v1.4.0 on 2023-08-01, with 43 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: v1.3.1 was 10 months before
    • Author: DWHEELER
  4. Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema - DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
    • Version: 0.66 on 2023-07-30, with 17 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.65 was 8 years, 10 months, 26 days before
    • Author: HAARG
  5. Data::Printer - colored & full-featured pretty print of Perl data structures and objects
    • Version: 1.001001 on 2023-07-30, with 147 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.001000 was 7 months, 8 days before
    • Author: GARU
  6. DateTime::Format::MySQL - Parse and format MySQL dates and times
    • Version: 0.08 on 2023-08-01, with 15 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.0701 was 2 years, 2 months, 10 days before
    • Author: XMIKEW
  7. Firefox::Marionette - Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol
    • Version: 1.43 on 2023-08-05, with 14 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.41 was 13 days before
    • Author: DDICK
  8. Module::ScanDeps - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
    • Version: 1.33 on 2023-08-04, with 15 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.32 was 30 days before
    • Author: RSCHUPP
  9. Mozilla::CA - Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
    • Version: 20230801 on 2023-08-01, with 18 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 20221114 was 8 months, 17 days before
    • Author: LWP
  10. PerlPowerTools - BSD utilities written in pure Perl
    • Version: 1.037 on 2023-07-31, with 37 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.036 was 9 days before
    • Author: BDFOY
  11. SPVM - SPVM Language
    • Version: 0.989032 on 2023-08-04, with 31 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 0.989030 was 7 days before
    • Author: KIMOTO
  12. ZMQ::FFI - version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq using ffi
    • Version: 1.19 on 2023-08-04, with 16 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.18 was 1 year, 4 months, 14 days before
    • Author: GHENRY

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