
4 feb 2023

(cdxxx) 14 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::DBBrowser - Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
    • Version: 2.314 on 2023-02-03
    • Votes: 12
    • Previous version: 2.313 was 21 days before
  2. autodie - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
    • Version: 2.36 on 2023-01-30
    • Votes: 58
    • Previous version: 2.35 was 3 days before
  3. DateTime::Format::Natural - Parse informal natural language date/time strings
    • Version: 1.16 on 2023-02-04
    • Votes: 18
    • Previous version: 1.15 was 23 days before
  4. Devel::CheckOS - a script to package Devel::AssertOS modules with your code.
    • Version: 1.96 on 2023-02-04
    • Votes: 16
    • Previous version: 1.95 was 3 months, 6 days before
  5. experimental - Experimental features made easy
    • Version: 0.031 on 2023-01-31
    • Votes: 31
    • Previous version: 0.030 was 1 month, 21 days before
  6. HTML::Parser - HTML parser class
    • Version: 3.81 on 2023-01-31
    • Votes: 44
    • Previous version: 3.80 was 2 months, 30 days before
  7. Memoize - Make functions faster by trading space for time
    • Version: 1.16 on 2023-01-29
    • Votes: 25
    • Previous version: 1.03 was 10 years, 9 months, 7 days before
  8. Sereal - Fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
    • Version: 5.002 on 2023-02-01
    • Votes: 60
    • Previous version: 5.001 was 4 months, 28 days before
  9. Sereal::Decoder - Fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
    • Version: 5.002 on 2023-02-01
    • Votes: 22
    • Previous version: 5.001 was 4 months, 28 days before
  10. Sereal::Encoder - Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
    • Version: 5.002 on 2023-02-01
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 5.001 was 4 months, 28 days before
  11. SPVM - SPVM Language
    • Version: 0.9689 on 2023-02-01
    • Votes: 26
    • Previous version: 0.9686 was 5 days before
  12. String::Util - String processing utility functions
    • Version: 1.34 on 2023-02-01
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 1.32 was 1 year, 10 months, 6 days before
  13. System::Command - Object for running system commands
    • Version: 1.122 on 2023-02-04
    • Votes: 17
    • Previous version: 1.121 was 2 years, 8 months, 1 day before
  14. Test::Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests.
    • Version: 1.302192 on 2023-02-02
    • Votes: 180
    • Previous version: 1.302191 was 6 months, 24 days before

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