8 ene 2023

(cdxxvi) 18 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::DBBrowser - Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
    • Version: 2.309 on 2023-01-06
    • Votes: 12
    • Previous version: 2.307 was 5 days before
  2. CGI - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
    • Version: 4.55 on 2023-01-03
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 4.54 was 11 months before
  3. Dancer - lightweight yet powerful web application framework
    • Version: 1.3520 on 2023-01-02
    • Votes: 145
    • Previous version: 1.3513 was 2 years, 11 months, 4 days before
  4. DBD::CSV - DBI driver for CSV files
    • Version: 0.60 on 2023-01-06
    • Votes: 23
    • Previous version: 0.59 was 1 year, 5 days before
  5. Devel::TraceUse - show the modules your program loads, recursively
    • Version: 2.097 on 2023-01-04
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 2.096 was 4 years, 5 days before
  6. MCE - Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
    • Version: 1.884 on 2023-01-05
    • Votes: 94
    • Previous version: 1.882 was 1 month, 2 days before
  7. MCE::Shared - MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
    • Version: 1.880 on 2023-01-04
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 1.879 was 1 month, 1 day before
  8. Modern::Perl - enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
    • Version: 1.20230106 on 2023-01-06
    • Votes: 50
    • Previous version: 1.20220515 was 7 months, 22 days before
  9. Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
    • Version: 2.005005 on 2023-01-05
    • Votes: 294
    • Previous version: 2.005004 was 1 year, 9 months, 7 days before
  10. Params::ValidationCompiler - Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
    • Version: 0.31 on 2023-01-07
    • Votes: 23
    • Previous version: 0.30 was 4 years, 5 months, 7 days before
  11. Perl::Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices.
    • Version: 1.148 on 2023-01-07
    • Votes: 126
    • Previous version: 1.146 was 16 days before
  12. Selenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
    • Version: 1.48 on 2023-01-02
    • Votes: 46
    • Previous version: 1.47 was 7 months, 28 days before
  13. Spreadsheet::Read - Meta-Wrapper for reading spreadsheet data
    • Version: 0.85 on 2023-01-04
    • Votes: 29
    • Previous version: 0.84 was 1 year, 10 months, 6 days before
  14. SPVM - SPVM Language
    • Version: 0.9680 on 2023-01-06
    • Votes: 26
    • Previous version: 0.9675 was 10 days before
  15. Test::Deep - Extremely flexible deep comparison
    • Version: 1.204 on 2023-01-07
    • Votes: 52
    • Previous version: 1.130 was 2 years, 10 months, 6 days before
  16. Test::Routine - composable units of assertion
    • Version: 0.030 on 2023-01-06
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 0.029 was 5 days before
  17. Text::CSV_XS - Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines
    • Version: 1.49 on 2023-01-03
    • Votes: 96
    • Previous version: 1.48 was 7 months, 9 days before
  18. Type::Tiny - tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
    • Version: 2.002000 on 2023-01-01
    • Votes: 133
    • Previous version: 2.002000 was before

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