28 ago 2021

(ccclvi) 7 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::Netdisco - An open source web-based network management tool.
    • Version: 2.049001 on 2021-08-22
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 2.048000 was 8 days before
  2. Future::AsyncAwait - deferred subroutine syntax for futures
    • Version: 0.53 on 2021-08-26
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 0.52 was 1 month, 13 days before
  3. JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema
    • Version: 4.22 on 2021-08-27
    • Votes: 28
    • Previous version: 4.21 was 1 month, 17 days before
  4. Object::Pad - a simple syntax for lexical slot-based objects
    • Version: 0.52 on 2021-08-25
    • Votes: 19
    • Previous version: 0.51 was 15 days before
  5. SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
    • Version: 0.9010 on 2021-08-25
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 0.9009 was 1 month, 26 days before
  6. Test::BDD::Cucumber - Feature-complete Cucumber-style testing in Perl
    • Version: 0.82 on 2021-08-23
    • Votes: 15
    • Previous version: 0.81 was 1 month, 5 days before
  7. Text::ANSITable - Create nice formatted tables using extended ASCII and ANSI colors
    • Version: 0.606 on 2021-08-27
    • Votes: 16
    • Previous version: 0.604 was 18 days before

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