
19 jun 2021

(cccxlvi) 25 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::Cmd - write command line apps with less suffering
    • Version: 0.334 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 0.333 was 3 months, 5 days before
  2. App::cpm - a fast CPAN module installer
    • Version: 0.997004 on 2021-06-13
    • Votes: 53
    • Previous version: 0.997003 was 3 months, 18 days before
  3. App::Uni - command-line utility to find or display Unicode characters
    • Version: 9.005 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 9.004 was 11 months, 16 days before
  4. Dist::Zilla - distribution builder; installer not included!
    • Version: 6.020 on 2021-06-14
    • Votes: 175
    • Previous version: 6.017 was 7 months, 11 days before
  5. Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver - weave your Pod together from configuration and Dist::Zilla
    • Version: 4.009 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 4.008 was 5 years, 1 month, 25 days before
  6. Email::Sender - a library for sending email
    • Version: 1.300036 on 2021-06-17
    • Votes: 44
    • Previous version: 1.300035 was 8 months, 7 days before
  7. JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema
    • Version: 4.20 on 2021-06-18
    • Votes: 28
    • Previous version: 4.17 was 1 month, 20 days before
  8. LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
    • Version: 6.55 on 2021-06-17
    • Votes: 153
    • Previous version: 6.54 was 1 month, 11 days before
  9. MIME::Lite - Handy-dandy MIME mailing class
    • Version: 3.033 on 2021-06-12
    • Votes: 31
    • Previous version: 3.031 was 1 year, 7 months, 17 days before
  10. Minion::Backend::SQLite - SQLite backend for Minion job queue
    • Version: v5.0.5 on 2021-06-16
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: v5.0.4 was 4 months before
  11. Mojo::SQLite - A tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite
    • Version: 3.006 on 2021-06-16
    • Votes: 24
    • Previous version: 3.005 was 4 months before
  12. Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI - OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious
    • Version: 4.04 on 2021-06-17
    • Votes: 40
    • Previous version: 4.03 was 1 month, 19 days before
  13. OpenAPI::Client - A client for talking to an Open API powered server
    • Version: 1.01 on 2021-06-17
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 1.00 was 3 months, 22 days before
  14. PDL - Perl Data Language
    • Version: 2.051 on 2021-06-14
    • Votes: 42
    • Previous version: 2.050 was 12 days before
  15. PerlPowerTools - BSD utilities written in pure Perl
    • Version: 1.025 on 2021-06-16
    • Votes: 28
    • Previous version: 1.024 was 2 months, 28 days before
  16. Pod::Weaver - weave together a Pod document from an outline
    • Version: 4.018 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 32
    • Previous version: 4.017 was 2 months, 2 days before
  17. POE::Component::IRC - A fully event-driven IRC client module
    • Version: 6.93 on 2021-06-15
    • Votes: 12
    • Previous version: 6.92 was 7 days before
  18. Prima - a perl graphic toolkit
    • Version: 1.62 on 2021-06-16
    • Votes: 33
    • Previous version: 1.61 was 1 month, 23 days before
  19. Search::Elasticsearch - The official client for Elasticsearch
    • Version: 7.713 on 2021-06-14
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 7.712 was 2 months, 20 days before
  20. Sub::Exporter - a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
    • Version: 0.988 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 33
    • Previous version: 0.987 was 7 years, 8 months, 1 day before
  21. Test::Routine - composable units of assertion
    • Version: 0.028 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 0.027 was 2 years, 9 months, 23 days before
  22. Text::CSV - comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
    • Version: 2.01 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 69
    • Previous version: 2.00 was 2 years, 1 month, 8 days before
  23. Throwable - a role for classes that can be thrown
    • Version: 0.201 on 2021-06-19
    • Votes: 37
    • Previous version: 0.200013 was 5 years, 11 months, 18 days before
  24. Toadfarm - One Mojolicious app to rule them all
    • Version: 0.83 on 2021-06-17
    • Votes: 20
    • Previous version: 0.82 was 1 year, 8 months, 28 days before
  25. Yancy - The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best CMS
    • Version: 1.074 on 2021-06-18
    • Votes: 39
    • Previous version: 1.073 was 11 days before

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