
1 may 2021

(cccxxxix) 12 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. Beam::Wire - Lightweight Dependency Injection Container
    • Version: 1.024 on 2021-04-27
    • Votes: 15
    • Previous version: 1.023 was 2 years, 1 month, 4 days before
  2. CryptX - Cryptographic toolkit
    • Version: 0.072 on 2021-04-29
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 0.071 was 30 days before
  3. Data::Alias - Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
    • Version: 1.21 on 2021-04-30
    • Votes: 15
    • Previous version: 1.22 was 8 days before
  4. Devel::NYTProf - Powerful fast feature-rich Perl source code profiler
    • Version: 6.08 on 2021-04-27
    • Votes: 168
    • Previous version: 6.07 was 23 days before
  5. experimental - Experimental features made easy
    • Version: 0.023 on 2021-04-30
    • Votes: 29
    • Previous version: 0.022 was 11 months, 26 days before
  6. Future::AsyncAwait - deferred subroutine syntax for futures
    • Version: 0.50 on 2021-04-30
    • Votes: 37
    • Previous version: 0.49 was 2 months, 6 days before
  7. JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema
    • Version: 4.17 on 2021-04-28
    • Votes: 28
    • Previous version: 4.16 was 1 month, 4 days before
  8. Mojo::mysql - Mojolicious and Async MySQL/MariaDB
    • Version: 1.21 on 2021-04-28
    • Votes: 34
    • Previous version: 1.22 was 4 months, 6 days before
  9. Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI - OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious
    • Version: 4.03 on 2021-04-28
    • Votes: 40
    • Previous version: 4.02 was 1 month, 4 days before
  10. PDL - Perl Data Language
    • Version: 2.044 on 2021-05-01
    • Votes: 41
    • Previous version: 2.039 was 7 days before
  11. Raisin - A REST API microframework for Perl.
    • Version: 0.91 on 2021-04-28
    • Votes: 40
    • Previous version: 0.90 was 10 months, 6 days before
  12. SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
    • Version: 0.0949 on 2021-04-30
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 0.0946 was 7 days before

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