
13 mar 2021

(cccxxxii) 15 CPAN great modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::Ack - A grep-like program for searching source code
    • Version: v3.5.0 on 2021-03-13
    • Votes: 124
    • Previous version: v3.4.0 was 8 months, 13 days before
  2. App::Cmd - write command line apps with less suffering
    • Version: 0.332 on 2021-03-13
    • Votes: 40
    • Previous version: 0.331 was 4 years, 7 months, 27 days before
  3. FFI::Platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
    • Version: 1.38 on 2021-03-09
    • Votes: 53
    • Previous version: 1.34 was 4 months, 20 days before
  4. Getopt::Long::Descriptive - Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
    • Version: 0.106 on 2021-03-13
    • Votes: 46
    • Previous version: 0.105 was 1 year, 17 days before
  5. Graph - graph data structures and algorithms
    • Version: 0.9718 on 2021-03-13
    • Votes: 23
    • Previous version: 0.9717 was 1 month, 17 days before
  6. LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
    • Version: 6.53 on 2021-03-07
    • Votes: 153
    • Previous version: 6.52 was 2 months before
  7. Minion - Job queue
    • Version: 10.19 on 2021-03-10
    • Votes: 81
    • Previous version: 10.17 was 4 days before
  8. Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall - (DEPRECATED) run blocking functions asynchronously by forking
    • Version: 0.21 on 2021-03-08
    • Votes: 12
    • Previous version: 0.20 was 2 years, 5 months, 24 days before
  9. Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
    • Version: 9.08 on 2021-03-12
    • Votes: 446
    • Previous version: 9.02 was 11 days before
  10. Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack - Compress and convert CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript and CoffeeScript files
    • Version: 2.13 on 2021-03-13
    • Votes: 48
    • Previous version: 2.11 was 22 days before
  11. Number::Phone - base class for Number::Phone::* modules
    • Version: 3.7002 on 2021-03-09
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 3.7001 was 1 month, 5 days before
  12. PDL - Perl Data Language
    • Version: 2.029 on 2021-03-12
    • Votes: 40
    • Previous version: 2.027 was 6 days before
  13. Perl::Build - perl builder
    • Version: 1.32 on 2021-03-10
    • Votes: 19
    • Previous version: 1.31 was 7 months, 29 days before
  14. Selenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
    • Version: 1.40 on 2021-03-08
    • Votes: 43
    • Previous version: 1.39 was 2 months before
  15. SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
    • Version: 0.0933 on 2021-03-11
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 0.0932 was 1 month, 3 days before

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