12 dic 2020

(cccxix) 12 CPAN great modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::cpm - a fast CPAN module installer
    • Version: 0.996 on 2020-12-06
    • Votes: 50
    • Previous version: 0.995 was 8 days before
  2. Cache::FastMmap - Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache
    • Version: 1.54 on 2020-12-12
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 1.51 was 1 month, 1 day before
  3. Graph - graph data structures and algorithms
    • Version: 0.9712 on 2020-12-05
    • Votes: 22
    • Previous version: 0.9711 was 8 days before
  4. Net::Cmd - Collection of network protocol modules
    • Version: 3.12 on 2020-12-09
    • Votes: 25
    • Previous version: 3.11 was 3 years, 25 days before
  5. Lingua::EN::Inflect - Convert singular to plural. Select "a" or "an".
    • Version: 1.905 on 2020-12-08
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 1.904 was 1 year, 7 months, 11 days before
  6. Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack - Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files
    • Version: 2.10 on 2020-12-11
    • Votes: 47
    • Previous version: 2.09 was 3 months, 5 days before
  7. Perl::Tidy - indent and reformat perl scripts
    • Version: 20201207 on 2020-12-06
    • Votes: 120
    • Previous version: 20201202 was 4 days before
  8. Rex - the friendly automation framework
    • Version: 1.13.2 on 2020-12-05
    • Votes: 73
    • Previous version: 1.13.1 was 1 month before
  9. SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
    • Version: 0.0928 on 2020-12-09
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 0.0927 was 19 days before
  10. Test::WWW::Mechanize - Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
    • Version: 1.54 on 2020-12-09
    • Votes: 18
    • Previous version: 1.52 was 2 years, 4 days before
  11. Text::Balanced - Extract delimited text sequences from strings.
    • Version: 2.04 on 2020-12-11
    • Votes: 14
    • Previous version: 2.03 was 5 years, 9 months, 7 days before
  12. Text::Fuzzy - Partial string matching using edit distances
    • Version: 0.29 on 2020-12-10
    • Votes: 15
    • Previous version: 0.28 was 2 years, 2 months, 6 days before

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