
27 jun 2020

(ccxcv) 18 CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. Archive::Tar - Manipulates TAR archives
    • Version: 2.38 on 2020-06-25
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 2.36 was 4 months, 23 days before
  2. CGI - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
    • Version: 4.50 on 2020-06-22
    • Votes: 38
    • Previous version: 4.49 was 14 days before
  3. Crypt::JWT - JSON Web Token
    • Version: 0.029 on 2020-06-22
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 0.028 was 8 days before
  4. DateTime::Format::Natural - Parse informal natural language date/time strings
    • Version: 1.10 on 2020-06-26
    • Votes: 13
    • Previous version: 1.09 was 1 month, 9 days before
  5. ExtUtils::MakeMaker - Create a module Makefile
    • Version: 7.46 on 2020-06-23
    • Votes: 46
    • Previous version: 7.44 was 5 months, 12 days before
  6. File::Map - Memory mapping made simple and safe.
    • Version: 0.67 on 2020-06-25
    • Votes: 17
    • Previous version: 0.66 was 1 year, 6 months, 7 days before
  7. LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
    • Version: 6.46 on 2020-06-23
    • Votes: 147
    • Previous version: 6.45 was 15 days before
  8. Module::CoreList - what modules shipped with versions of perl
    • Version: 5.20200620 on 2020-06-20
    • Votes: 34
    • Previous version: 5.20200603 was 11 days before
  9. Mojolicious - Real-time web framework
    • Version: 8.56 on 2020-06-26
    • Votes: 430
    • Previous version: 8.55 was 8 days before
  10. Net::DNS - Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
    • Version: 1.25 on 2020-06-26
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 1.24 was 30 days before
  11. Net::SFTP::Foreign - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
    • Version: 1.91 on 2020-06-24
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 1.90 was 1 year, 4 months, 30 days before
  12. perl - The Perl 5 language interpreter
    • Version: 5.032000 on 2020-06-20
    • Votes: 360
    • Previous version: 5.30.3 was 19 days before
  13. PPR - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
    • Version: 0.000027 on 2020-06-25
    • Votes: 15
    • Previous version: 0.000026 was 2 months, 1 day before
  14. Raisin - A REST API microframework for Perl.
    • Version: 0.90 on 2020-06-22
    • Votes: 39
    • Previous version: 0.89 was 6 months, 26 days before
  15. Search::Elasticsearch - The official client for Elasticsearch
    • Version: 6.81 on 2020-06-26
    • Votes: 37
    • Previous version: 6.80 was 3 months, 1 day before
  16. SPVM - Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
    • Version: 0.0704 on 2020-06-25
    • Votes: 21
    • Previous version: 0.0445 was 5 months, 16 days before
  17. WWW::YouTube::Download - WWW::YouTube::Download - Very simple YouTube video download interface
    • Version: 0.63 on 2020-06-23
    • Votes: 19
    • Previous version: 0.62 was 8 months, 13 days before
  18. Yancy - The Best Web Framework Deserves the Best CMS
    • Version: 1.064 on 2020-06-26
    • Votes: 35
    • Previous version: 1.062 was 9 days before

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