Week's winners (+3): Starman
Build date: 2019/06/08 19:58:32 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Data::Formula - formulas evaluation and calculation
- Lingua::EN::FindNumber - Locate (written) numbers in English text
- Lingua::EN::MatchNames - Smart matching for human names.
- Lingua::EN::Nickname - Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)
- Logic::Tools - The great new Logic::Tools!
- Logic::TruthTable - Create a Boolean Truth Table
- Math::Expression::Evaluator - parses, compiles and evaluates mathematic expressions
- Method::Delegation - Easily delegate methods to another object
- Module::Reload::Sel - Reload perl modules during development
- Mojo::AsyncList - Process a list with callbacks
- Mojolicious::Command::export - Export a Mojolicious website to static files
- Perl::Metrics::Halstead - Compute Halstead complexity metrics
- Socket::Netlink - interface to Linux's PF_NETLINK socket family
- String::Ident - clean-up string to be used as identifier and in URLs
- Tie::Hash::Sorted - Presents hashes in sorted order
- Z3::FFI - Low level FFI interfaces to the Z3 solver/prover
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::PredictionClient (+1=3)
- Amazon::S3::Thin (+1=3)
- AnyEvent (+1=142)
- Archive::Any (+1=4)
- boolean (+1=12)
- Chart::Gnuplot (+1=7)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=32)
- CPAN (+1=30)
- Dancer2 (+1=108)
- Data::Dumper (+1=84)
- Data::Walk (+1=2)
- DateTime (+1=190)
- DBI (+1=229)
- Devel::FindRef (+1=9)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=156)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (+1=41)
- Furl (+1=39)
- Geo::Index (+1=3)
- Graph (+1=17)
- Hash::Ordered (+1=29)
- IO::All (+1=63)
- IO::Interactive (+1=13)
- JavaScript::V8 (+1=12)
- Lingua::EN::Inflexion (+1=7)
- List::AllUtils (+1=28)
- Log::Any (+1=51)
- Log::Dispatch::FileRotate (+1=2)
- MCE (+1=71)
- Module::Pluggable (+1=21)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 (+1=14)
- Moo (+1=264)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+2=78)
- Paws (+1=37)
- perl (+1=339)
- Perl::Critic (+2=102)
- Perl::Tidy (+2=109)
- PerlIO::gzip (+1=10)
- perlsecret (+2=43)
- Pod::Tidy (+1=2)
- pQuery (+1=16)
- Scope::Guard (+1=16)
- Script::NeedsRestart (+1=2)
- Sereal::Encoder (+1=18)
- Starman (+3=101)
- Storable (+1=42)
- Syntax::Construct (+1=5)
- Term::ProgressBar::Simple (+1=7)
- Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium (+1=5)
- Text::Levenshtein::XS (+1=9)
- Text::Markdown::Discount (+1=9)
- Text::Names (+1=3)
- Text::Unaccent (+1=3)
- Tie::Hash::Indexed (+1=3)
- Time::Ago (+1=2)
- Try::Tiny (+2=162)
- Try::Tiny::Retry (+1=23)
- Type::Tiny (+1=111)
- WebService::Algolia (+1=3)
- XML::Rabbit (+1=25)
- Yancy (+1=22)
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