Week's winners (+3): MCE
Build date: 2019/01/26 21:06:49 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Class::Interface - A class for implementing/extending interfaces/abstracts in Perl.
- Pcore::Service::Nginx - Pcore nginx application
- RT::Extension::ConditionalCustomFields - CF conditionned by the value of another CF
- Task::BeLike::YANICK - like Yanick? Be like Yanick!
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=118)
- Action::Retry (+1=9)
- AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify (+1=8)
- API::Google (+1=4)
- App::Cmd (+1=37)
- autobox::Core (+1=21)
- Bread::Board (+1=26)
- CGI (+1=35)
- Const::Fast (+1=28)
- CryptX (+1=38)
- Data::FormValidator (+1=12)
- Data::Printer (+1=124)
- Data::Validator (+1=6)
- DBIx::Simple (+1=31)
- DestructAssign (+1=5)
- HTML5::DOM (+1=9)
- HTML::Form (+1=4)
- Inline (+1=29)
- Inline::C (+1=25)
- Inline::Java (+1=5)
- List::UtilsBy (+1=31)
- List::UtilsBy::XS (+1=5)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=74)
- Math::Round (+1=14)
- MCE (+3=68)
- Minion (+1=68)
- Minion::Backend::mysql (+1=10)
- Module::Info (+1=6)
- Mojolicious (+2=392)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::NYTProf (+1=10)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=29)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile (+1=16)
- Pcore (+1=5)
- perl (+1=329)
- Perl::PrereqScanner (+1=21)
- PerlBuildSystem (+1=3)
- PerlPowerTools (+1=19)
- RapidApp (+1=25)
- Rex (+1=60)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=37)
- Set::Scalar (+1=13)
- Stow (+1=2)
- Test::Simple (+1=159)
- Text::Table::Tiny (+1=11)
- Type::Tiny (+1=108)
- Types::DateTime (+1=3)
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