29 jul 2018

(cxcv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 App::cpm 0.976 31 a fast CPAN module installer
2 Devel::MAT 0.37 14 Perl Memory Analysis Tool
3 Kavorka 0.039 28 function signatures with the lure of the animal
4 Net::DNS 1.17 15 Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
5 Perl::Build 1.24 13 perl builder
6 Raisin 0.74 32 A REST API microframework for Perl.
7 Type::Tiny 1.004001 99 tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint

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