# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Class::Accessor | 0.51 | 13 | Automated accessor generation |
2 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.14 | 14 | Time zone object base class and factory |
3 | JSON::Validator | 1.05 | 16 | Validate data against a JSON schema |
4 | Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall | 0.18 | 12 | run blocking functions asynchronously by forking |
5 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.48 | 36 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
6 | Promises | 0.98 | 29 | An implementation of Promises in Perl |
7 | RapidApp | 1.3005 | 22 | Turnkey ajaxy webapps |
8 | SQL::Abstract::More | 1.30 | 16 | extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API |
9 | XML::LibXML | 2.0132 | 79 | Interface to Gnome libxml2 xml parsing and DOM library |
29 oct 2017
(clvi) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
(cclxxxviii) metacpan weekly report
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 50
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/10/29 18:19:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/10/29 18:19:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::Math::Josan - do 'josan'
- Array::Set - Perform set operations on arrays
- Games::Sudoku::CLI - play Sudoku on the command line
- HTML::Lint::Pluggable - plugin system for HTML::Lint
- Math::LongDouble - perl interface to C's long double operations
- Mojo::WebService::Twitter - Simple Twitter API client
- Prima::OpenGL - Prima extension for OpenGL drawing
- RT::Extension::ConditionalCustomFields - RT-Extension-ConditionalCustomFields Extension
- RT::Extension::Memo - Add a memo widget to tickets
- RT::Extension::ModifyUsersPrefs - Allow to modify other users' preferences
Increasing its reputation:
- Algorithm::Diff (+1=17)
- Array::Diff (+1=2)
- Carton (+1=83)
- Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class (+1=11)
- Class::Skin (+1=2)
- CommonMark (+1=6)
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 (+1=2)
- Daemon::Control (+1=41)
- DateTime::Format::ISO8601 (+1=5)
- DBD::SQLite (+1=69)
- Devel::MAT (+1=11)
- Devel::Trepan::Deparse (+1=2)
- Email::Sender (+1=37)
- ETL::Yertl (+1=8)
- Exceptions (+1=4)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=86)
- IO::All::LWP (+1=2)
- IO::Async::SSL (+1=3)
- IO::Socket::Socks::Wrapper (+1=3)
- Lingua::EN::Inflexion (+1=4)
- M (+1=17)
- Marpa::R2 (+1=42)
- Math::Geometry::Delaunay (+1=3)
- Net::Shadowsocks (+1=7)
- Net::SSL::ExpireDate (+1=3)
- OpenGL (+1=9)
- OptArgs (+1=9)
- Params::ValidationCompiler (+1=8)
- PDF::WebKit (+1=8)
- Plack::App::WebSocket (+1=4)
- Prima (+1=20)
- Progress::Any (+1=7)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=128)
- SQL::Translator (+1=32)
- Statistics::Basic (+1=6)
- Test::NoWarnings (+1=7)
- Test::Roo (+1=13)
- Test::Vars (+1=9)
- warnings::everywhere (+1=3)
- XML::LibXML (+1=79)
(cccxii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-29 18:16:11 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-29 18:16:11 GMT
- How do I fake the client IP address in a unit test for a Mojolicious app? - [8/1]
- Using __DATA__ in a program - [5/1]
- Problems installing perl modules in home directory - [4/0]
- Best way to add dynamic code to a perl application - [3/1]
- Converting ISO8601 duration (P3Y6M...) to seconds in perl - [3/1]
- Conditional load of Data::Dumper::Simple not working - [2/2]
- Why "?:" operator cannot return list? - [2/2]
- Conditional Compilation in Perl - [2/1]
- How can a shell script determine if a file is binary or text? - [2/1]
- How to manipulate PDF file properties (e.g. TrimBox) using Perl - [2/0]
22 oct 2017
(clv) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.953 | 27 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | Class::Accessor | 0.50 | 13 | |
3 | Dancer2 | 0.205002 | 91 | Lightweight yet powerful web application framework |
4 | DBIx::Class::Migration | 0.060 | 22 | Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier |
5 | Devel::Cover | 1.29 | 86 | Code coverage metrics for Perl |
6 | IO::Socket::SSL | 2.052 | 31 | Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET. |
7 | Math::Prime::Util | 0.68 | 12 | Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring |
8 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.018000 | 16 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
9 | Minion | 7.09 | 48 | Job queue |
10 | Module::CoreList | 5.20171020 | 27 | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
11 | Module::Runtime | 0.016 | 23 | runtime module handling |
12 | Mojolicious | 7.48 | 349 | Real-time web framework |
13 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.47 | 36 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
14 | Moxie | 0.05 | 13 | Not Another Moose Clone |
15 | Net::DNS | 1.13 | 13 | Perl Interface to the Domain Name System |
16 | PAR::Packer | 1.040 | 28 | PAR Packager |
17 | Test::Simple | 1.302106 | 144 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
18 | Text::CSV_XS | 1.33 | 71 | Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines |
19 | XML::LibXML | 2.0130 | 78 | Interface to Gnome libxml2 xml parsing and DOM library |
(cclxxxvii) metacpan weekly report
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 52
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/10/22 16:39:29 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/10/22 16:39:29 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Date::Handler - Easy but complete date object (1.1)
- Hash::Iterator - Hashtable Iterator.
- JSON::Create - fast, minimal, UTF-8-only serialization of data to JSON
- PHP::Functions::Password - This module provides ported PHP password functions.
- roles - A simple pragma for composing roles.
- RT::Extension::ConditionalCustomFields - RT-Extension-ConditionalCustomFields Extension
- Yandex::Disk - a simple API for Yandex Disk
Increasing its reputation:
- AnyEvent::RabbitMQ (+1=6)
- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client (+1=4)
- App::cpanminus (+1=228)
- App::ModuleBuildTiny (+1=7)
- Archive::Har (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication (+1=13)
- Class::Tiny (+1=22)
- Dancer::Plugin::RPC (+1=2)
- Data::MuForm (+1=3)
- DateTime::Format::Pg (+1=9)
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp (+1=10)
- Devel::GlobalDestruction (+1=5)
- Getopt::Long (+1=87)
- HTML::Tree (+1=22)
- IO::Socket::IP (+1=14)
- IPC::Run (+1=23)
- JSON::Parse (+1=5)
- LWP::ConsoleLogger (+1=5)
- LWP::Protocol::socks (+1=4)
- Minion (+1=48)
- Module::Build::Tiny (+1=9)
- Mojolicious (+1=349)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication (+1=15)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=19)
- Moo (+1=236)
- namespace::clean (+1=19)
- NativeCall (+1=10)
- Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 (+1=2)
- Net::CIDR::Lite (+1=3)
- ObjectDB (+1=7)
- Paws (+1=28)
- perl (+1=300)
- Regexp::Util (+1=4)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=127)
- Shell::Perl (+1=3)
- SQL::Composer (+1=5)
- Storable (+1=35)
- String::Random (+1=15)
- Test::Lib (+1=3)
- Test::LWP::UserAgent (+1=11)
- Test::Mock::Redis (+1=2)
- Test::Trap (+1=4)
- Text::CSV::Encoded (+1=5)
- Time::HiRes (+1=47)
- Want (+1=7)
(cccxi) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-22 16:35:24 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-22 16:35:24 GMT
- Where does CPAN install modules? - [6/3]
- Perl: JSON fails if a thread is started - [6/2]
- Substitute all but the last occurrence using perl - [4/1]
- Perl random string, but doesn't seem so random when used in a browser - [4/1]
- Is this Canary::Stability rant a legitimate concern? - [3/1]
- How can I get the symbols in a package at the time the package is defined? - [3/1]
- How to print specific key in an array (Perl) - [2/3]
- Perl script to check if possible to ssh into remote server - [2/2]
- Where is `use` defined in the perl source code? - [2/2]
- Is an object accessible if not assigned to any variable? - [2/1]
14 oct 2017
(cliv) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.952 | 27 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | CryptX | 0.054 | 30 | Crypto toolkit |
3 | List::MoreUtils | 0.426 | 99 | Provide the stuff missing in List::Util |
4 | local::lib | 2.000024 | 72 | create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB |
5 | MCE | 1.831 | 53 | Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities |
6 | Minion | 7.07 | 47 | Job queue |
7 | Mojolicious | 7.47 | 349 | Real-time web framework |
8 | Paws | 0.35 | 27 | A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs |
9 | Test::Simple | 1.302101 | 144 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
(cclxxxvi) metacpan weekly report - App::cpanminus
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 75
Week's winners (+3): App::cpanminus
Build date: 2017/10/14 16:15:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): App::cpanminus
Build date: 2017/10/14 16:15:54 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::VTide - A vim/tmux based IDE for the terminal
- cPanel::PublicAPI - A perl interface for interacting with cPanel
- Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPIRoutes - automatic routes creation from Swagger specification file.
- Gtk2::GladeXML - Create user interfaces directly from Glade XML files.
- HTTP::Server::Brick - Simple pure perl http/https server for prototyping "in the style of" Ruby's WEBrick
- Importer::Zim - Import functions à la Invader Zim
- Module::Build::SysPath - install files to system folders according to FHS (or Sys::Path settings)
- Term::Table - Format a header and rows into a table
Increasing its reputation:
- Alien::Build (+2=7)
- App::cpanminus (+3=228)
- App::perlbrew (+1=150)
- App::pmuninstall (+1=33)
- Class::Accessor (+1=13)
- Config::PL (+1=5)
- cpan::outdated (+1=28)
- CPANPLUS (+1=9)
- Crypt::LE (+1=6)
- CryptX (+2=30)
- Dancer2 (+1=91)
- Dancer2::Logger::Console::Colored (+1=2)
- DateTime (+1=171)
- DBIx::Class::Fixtures (+1=9)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=22)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=13)
- Dios (+1=14)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=159)
- Encode (+1=44)
- ETL::Yertl (+1=7)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=34)
- FFI::CheckLib (+1=6)
- FFI::Platypus (+2=32)
- File::Copy::Recursive (+1=12)
- File::Fetch (+1=3)
- Filesys::Notify::Simple (+1=10)
- Forks::Super (+1=5)
- GStreamer (+1=3)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=85)
- IPC::Cmd (+1=16)
- JSON::MaybeXS (+1=33)
- JSON::PP (+1=10)
- libwww::perl (+1=134)
- Locale::CLDR (+1=5)
- Mail::IMAPClient (+1=6)
- Minilla (+1=34)
- Module::Build (+1=34)
- Module::Build::Tiny (+1=8)
- Mojolicious (+2=349)
- Moo (+1=235)
- MooseX::Types (+1=30)
- Net::Shadowsocks (+1=6)
- OpenAPI::Client (+1=2)
- PAR::Packer (+1=28)
- perl (+1=299)
- Perl::Critic (+2=86)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=95)
- Pg::PQ (+1=3)
- PkgConfig (+2=3)
- Plack (+1=197)
- POD2::PT_BR (+1=4)
- Printer::ESCPOS (+1=2)
- Protocol::WebSocket (+1=7)
- Specio (+1=4)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=58)
- Task::MojoliciousPlugins::PerlAcademy (+1=2)
- Text::Xslate (+1=57)
- Toadfarm (+1=15)
- YAML::Tiny (+1=25)
(cccx) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-14 16:08:25 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-14 16:08:25 GMT
- How do I configure Dancer2 and Template Toolkit to use a different Stash module - [6/1]
- perl xs - can't return a new custom c++ object from method call - returns scalar value instead - [6/1]
- perl xs - return perl array from c array - [6/1]
- How can I 'require' a Perl library addressed by a path returned by a subroutine? - [5/2]
- How to install Perl on macOS 10.13 High Sierra - [3/1]
- perl carton cpanfile, optional install into main perl environment - [3/1]
- Perl: share complex data-structure between threads - [3/1]
- Run perl Plackup script from Scheduled Task - [3/1]
- delete string between two strings in one line - [2/3]
- How to have subroutine with required parameters? - [2/2]
8 oct 2017
(cliii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | AI::MXNet | 1.1 | 18 | Perl interface to MXNet machine learning library |
2 | Code::TidyAll | 0.69 | 29 | Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator |
3 | Devel::Cover | 1.28 | 86 | Code coverage metrics for Perl |
4 | Digest::SHA | 5.98 | 19 | Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 |
5 | Encode | 2.93 | 43 | character encodings in Perl |
6 | Git::Repository | 1.321 | 21 | Perl interface to Git repositories |
7 | JSON::Validator | 1.04 | 16 | Validate data against a JSON schema |
8 | Log::Any | 1.701 | 46 | Bringing loggers and listeners together |
9 | RapidApp | 1.3004 | 22 | Turnkey ajaxy webapps |
10 | Safe::Isa | 1.000008 | 26 | Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects |
11 | Test::Simple | 1.302098 | 144 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
(cclxxxv) metacpan weekly report - Text::Xslate
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 56
Week's winners (+3): Text::Xslate
Build date: 2017/10/08 11:54:30 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): Text::Xslate
Build date: 2017/10/08 11:54:30 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::FileLock - Lock files asynchronously
- Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12 - Perl extension to OpenSSL's PKCS12 API.
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 - Perl extension to OpenSSL's X509 API.
- Data::ULID - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- DBIx::Struct - convenience SQL functions with Class::Struct-like row objects
- MooX::Thunking - Allow Moo attributes to be "thunked"
- OpenAPI::Client - A client for talking to an Open API powered server
- RT::Extension::ConditionalCustomFields - RT-Extension-ConditionalCustomFields Extension
- RT::Extension::GroupSummary - RT-Extension-GroupSummary Extension
- String::Tagged::Terminal - format terminal output using String::Tagged
- SVG::Calendar - Creates calendars in SVG format which can be printed
- Test::WWW::Stub - Block and stub specified URL for LWP
- Types::PDL - PDL types using Type::Tiny
Increasing its reputation:
- Alien::libuv (+1=3)
- Daiku (+1=10)
- Data::Printer (+1=116)
- DBIx::Class::Schema::Diff (+1=2)
- DBIx::DataModel (+1=10)
- Devel::Cover (+1=86)
- Devel::EndStats (+1=6)
- Devel::MAT (+1=10)
- Dios (+1=13)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FatPacker (+1=5)
- Email::Simple (+1=15)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=37)
- Graphics::Raylib (+1=2)
- GraphQL (+1=6)
- HTML::Parser (+1=37)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=6)
- lib::relative (+1=3)
- Mango (+1=42)
- MCE (+1=53)
- Menlo (+1=9)
- Module::Starter::PBP (+1=6)
- Mojolicious (+1=349)
- Monitoring::Plugin (+1=4)
- Net::Prometheus (+1=3)
- Net::Server (+1=23)
- Perl::Critic (+2=85)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=94)
- perlsecret (+1=34)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=24)
- Poppler (+1=3)
- PPI (+1=41)
- PPR (+1=8)
- Raisin (+1=28)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=45)
- SPVM (+1=6)
- SQL::Abstract (+1=58)
- Task::Kensho (+1=75)
- Text::Levenshtein::XS (+1=6)
- Text::Xslate (+3=57)
- Unicode::Normalize (+1=6)
(cccix) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-08 07:18:54 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-10-08 07:18:54 GMT
- What is the reason for the warning that a lexical variable is "not available" within eval - [9/1]
- Find and replace text iteratively from a list - [4/4]
- How do you get complete Kwalitee output for a Perl module before uploading it? - [4/1]
- doesn't Perl include current directory in @INC by default? - [3/3]
- Why are some core Perl modules also available on CPAN? - [3/2]
- Retrieve output from HP Switch using Net::SSH2 Perl Module - [3/1]
- How can I do multipart requests mith Mojo::UserAgent? - [3/0]
- Perl Elastic query broken after upgrade from 2.4 to 5 - [3/0]
- Unbuffer windows programs - [3/0]
- perl xs module writing - Use another function from within same xs file - [2/2]
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