# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | AnyEvent | 7.14 | 120 | simpler/faster/newer/cooler AnyEvent API |
2 | App::cpm | 0.351 | 21 | a fast CPAN module installer |
3 | Encode | 2.91 | 43 | character encodings in Perl |
4 | Future | 0.35 | 32 | represent an operation awaiting completion |
5 | HTTP::Message | 6.13 | 51 | HTTP style message (base class) |
6 | JSON::Validator | 1.00 | 14 | Validate data against a JSON schema |
7 | Minion | 7.0 | 46 | Job queue |
8 | Module::CoreList | 5.20170621 | 27 | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
9 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.45 | 36 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
10 | PPI | 1.236 | 40 | Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl) |
11 | Regexp::Assemble | 0.38 | 25 | Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE |
12 | Scalar::List::Utils | 1.48 | 127 | Common Scalar and List utility subroutines |
13 | Test::Simple | 1.302086 | 141 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
14 | Time::Piece | 1.3201 | 36 | Object Oriented time objects |
15 | Toadfarm | 0.78 | 14 | One Mojolicious app to rule them all |
16 | curry | 1.001000 | 19 | Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object |
24 jun 2017
(cxxxviii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
(cclxx) metacpan weekly report - Moxie
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 50
Week's winners (+4): Moxie
Build date: 2017/06/24 19:11:18 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+4): Moxie
Build date: 2017/06/24 19:11:18 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::Jup - Global Jup options
- Log::ger - A lightweight, flexible logging framework
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Pager - Pagination plugin for Mojolicious
- MooX::PDL2 - A Moo based PDL 2.X object
- PDF::Tiny - Minimal Lightweight PDF Library
- Piper - Flexible, iterable pipeline engine with automatic batching
- Sietima - minimal mailing list manager
Increasing its reputation:
- Aniki (+1=5)
- AnyEvent (+1=120)
- App::cpm (+1=21)
- Array::Split (+1=3)
- Classic::Perl (+1=2)
- constant::Atom (+1=2)
- Data::Pwgen (+1=2)
- Data::Tubes (+1=3)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=38)
- Dios (+1=7)
- Encode (+1=43)
- ETL::Pipeline (+1=4)
- ETL::Yertl (+1=7)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile (+1=2)
- Getopt::Kingpin (+1=2)
- Getopt::Long (+1=84)
- HTML::FromANSI::Tiny (+1=5)
- IPC::PrettyPipe (+1=3)
- JavaScript::Duktape (+1=4)
- Memoize (+1=20)
- Method::Traits (+1=2)
- Mojo::mysql (+1=16)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RevealJS (+1=2)
- Moxie (+4=4)
- Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer (+2=4)
- Paws (+1=27)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=23)
- PPI (+1=40)
- Proc::Background (+1=5)
- Reply (+1=51)
- Scope::Upper (+1=10)
- SPVM (+3=3)
- Test2::Suite (+1=9)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=71)
- Text::Table (+1=11)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=4)
- YAHC (+1=2)
(ccxciv) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-24 18:12:19 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-24 18:12:19 GMT
- What is the scope of Perl's $| (OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH) setting? - [5/4]
- How to Share ENV Variables Among Perl Scripts - [4/2]
- Perl Non-greedy Matching -- Is the "?" character used correctly? - [3/3]
- Why version is not printable? - [3/1]
- Perl: use reference has for other hash - [3/1]
- Can't get Perl Chart (gnuplot) to label all tics on axis - [3/1]
- SVN::Client commit with comment/message option - [2/1]
- Perl Net::SSH2 Output limit? - [2/1]
- Why error messages are different? - [2/0]
- How to change the regular expression for $word using Perl? - [1/4]
17 jun 2017
(cxxxvii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | AI::MXNet | 1.01 | 16 | Perl interface to MXNet machine learning library |
2 | App::cpm | 0.350 | 20 | a fast CPAN module installer |
3 | Dumbbench | 0.111 | 13 | More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking |
4 | ExtUtils::MakeMaker | 7.30 | 36 | Create a module Makefile |
5 | IO::Socket::SSL | 2.049 | 30 | Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET. |
6 | JSON::Validator | 0.99 | 14 | Validate data against a JSON schema |
7 | Log::Dispatch | 2.65 | 38 | Dispatches messages to one or more outputs |
8 | Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI | 1.17 | 17 | OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious |
9 | MooseX::AttributeShortcuts | 0.032 | 13 | Shorthand for common attribute options |
10 | Net::SSH2 | 0.65 | 17 | Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2. |
11 | Params::Validate | 1.29 | 29 | Validate method/function parameters |
12 | Paws | 0.33 | 26 | A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs |
13 | RPerl | 2.800000 | 18 | Restricted Perl, The Optimizing Perl 5 Compiler |
14 | RapidApp | 1.3001 | 22 | Turnkey ajaxy webapps |
15 | Text::CSV_XS | 1.31 | 70 | Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines |
16 | Tickit | 0.63 | 16 | Terminal Interface Construction KIT |
17 | XML::Compile | 1.57 | 13 | Compilation based XML processing |
(cclxix) metacpan weekly report - AI::MXNet
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 41
Week's winner: AI::MXNet (+3)
Build date: 2017/06/17 21:49:02 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: AI::MXNet (+3)
Build date: 2017/06/17 21:49:02 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Alien::libuv - Interface to the libuv library http://libuv.org
- Crypt::HashCash - HashCash Digital Cash
- DR::Tnt - driver/connector for tarantool
- JSON::XS::ByteString - A more predictable and convenient XS implementation for JSON
- MooseX::DataModel - Create object models from datastructures
- MySQL::Config - Parse and utilize MySQL's /etc/my.cnf and ~/.my.cnf files
- Test::ManyParams - module to test many params as one test
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+3=16)
- AnyEvent::HTTP (+1=28)
- App::cpm (+1=20)
- App::MrShell (+1=2)
- Carp::Parse (+1=2)
- CHI (+1=45)
- Crypt::JWT (+2=7)
- CryptX (+2=27)
- DBIx::Class (+1=249)
- Gearman (+1=8)
- Google::API::Client (+1=3)
- Graph (+1=12)
- IO (+1=41)
- IO::Compress (+1=13)
- JSON::Validator (+1=14)
- local::lib (+1=71)
- Log::Any (+1=46)
- Log::Dispatch (+1=38)
- Mojo::Weixin (+1=5)
- Mojolicious (+2=341)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=17)
- MooX::LvalueAttribute (+1=7)
- perl (+1=298)
- Perl::Critic (+1=80)
- Proc::Daemon (+1=16)
- Smart::Comments (+1=29)
- SQL::Interpol (+1=3)
- Time::Duration (+1=7)
- Var::Pairs (+1=9)
(ccxciii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-17 21:46:52 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-17 21:46:52 GMT
- Handling wide char values returned by Win32::API - [3/1]
- Regex matching issue on newer version of Perl - [3/1]
- Group hash keys contained within range of numbers - [3/1]
- How do you test exec used with indirect object syntax? - [3/1]
- grep 3 latest occurences and some lines around the occurence - [2/2]
- perl: precedence of array operations - [2/2]
- How do I send several commands to the same cmd instance in perl? - [2/0]
- In perl, why splitting a string on pattern gives a null character at some splitting points - [1/4]
- perl: how does `$1` behave in a loop? - [1/3]
- system() returns bad exit code - [1/3]
11 jun 2017
(cxxxvi) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.306 | 19 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | Dist::Milla | v1.0.18 | 23 | Distribution builder, Opinionated but Unobtrusive |
3 | Encode | 2.90 | 42 | character encodings in Perl |
4 | File::Path | 2.14 | 36 | Create or remove directory trees |
5 | Image::ExifTool | 10.55 | 23 | Read and write meta information |
6 | MetaCPAN::API | 0.51 | 25 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN (DEPRECATED) |
7 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.016000 | 16 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
8 | Minilla | v3.0.12 | 31 | CPAN module authoring tool |
9 | Minion | 6.06 | 46 | Job queue |
10 | Mojolicious | 7.33 | 340 | Real-time web framework |
11 | Perl::Critic | 1.128 | 80 | Critique Perl source code for best-practices. |
12 | RPerl | 2.601000 | 18 | Restricted Perl, The Optimizing Perl 5 Compiler |
13 | Text::CSV_XS | 1.30 | 70 | Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines |
14 | Type::Tiny | 1.002001 | 91 | tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint |
15 | local::lib | 2.000023 | 70 | create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB |
(cclxviii) metacpan weekly report - perl
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 78
Week's winner: perl (+4)
Build date: 2017/06/11 07:49:20 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: perl (+4)
Build date: 2017/06/11 07:49:20 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Email::Outlook::Message - Read Outlook .msg files
- Getopt::Long::Modern - Use Getopt::Long with modern defaults
- Lingua::RU::Number - Converts numbers to money sum in words (in Russian roubles) and numbers (int) to words.
- Net::Google::Storage - Access the Google Storage JSON API (currently experimental).
- re::engine::PCRE2 - PCRE2 regular expression engine with jit
- Ref::Util::XS - XS implementation for Ref::Util
- Time::Elapsed - Displays the elapsed time as a human readable string.
- UV::Util - Some utility functions from libUV.
Increasing its reputation:
- Ado (+1=3)
- AI::XGBoost (+1=2)
- Alien::ImageMagick (+1=9)
- App::opan (+1=8)
- App::perlbrew (+1=145)
- App::Presto (+1=8)
- Cache::Reddit (+1=2)
- Class::InsideOut (+1=3)
- Compress::Snappy (+1=9)
- Config::ENV (+1=3)
- CPAN::Mini (+1=35)
- Cpanel::JSON::XS (+1=19)
- Crypt::LE (+1=6)
- curry (+1=19)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=157)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile (+1=13)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON (+1=2)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee (+1=7)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+1=3)
- GD (+1=19)
- Geo::Distance::XS (+1=9)
- indirect (+1=7)
- libnet (+1=17)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=9)
- Lingua::EN::Inflexion (+1=3)
- Lingua::RU::Inflect (+1=2)
- local::lib (+1=70)
- MetaCPAN::API (+1=25)
- Minion (+1=46)
- Module::CoreList (+1=27)
- Mojo::IOLoop::LineReader (+1=3)
- Mojo::mysql (+1=16)
- Mojolicious (+2=340)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N (+1=13)
- MooX::ChainedAttributes (+1=6)
- MooX::StrictConstructor (+1=5)
- Net::CIDR::Lite (+1=2)
- Net::Docker (+1=3)
- Net::Whois::Raw (+1=4)
- Number::Format (+1=12)
- Object::Tap (+1=6)
- PadWalker (+1=19)
- Paws (+1=26)
- perl (+4=298)
- Plack (+2=196)
- Proc::Daemon (+1=15)
- PSGI (+1=45)
- Ref::Util (+1=20)
- Router::XS (+1=3)
- Sort::Naturally (+1=15)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=39)
- Test::DependentModules (+1=3)
- Test::Differences (+1=16)
- Text::CSV_XS (+2=70)
- Time::Fake (+1=4)
- URI::Escape::XS (+1=5)
- Vim::X (+1=8)
- Win32::Job (+1=3)
- Win32::Process (+1=4)
- WWW::Mechanize (+2=73)
- WWW::Mechanize::Firefox (+1=20)
(ccxcii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-11 07:41:49 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-11 07:41:49 GMT
- How do I create ENTITY references in the DOCTYPE using perl/LibXML - [3/1]
- How to force Devel::Cover to ignore a folder when using perl-helpers via Travis CI - [3/1]
- How to obtain output from perl script and put it into a variable in python - [3/1]
- Perl: Don't print any lines that are duplicates - [1/3]
- How to write a dynamic string replacement in git bash? - [1/2]
- perl load json from file and loop - [1/1]
- Encrypt using Triple DES in C#, decrypt in perl - [1/1]
- How to query a write-heavy table in PostgreSQL? - [1/1]
- Perl Sublime Text format off when using Regex in source - [1/1]
- Threading with Perl, how can I execute my thread at the same time - [1/1]
3 jun 2017
(cxxxv) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.304 | 19 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | CryptX | 0.048 | 25 | Crypto toolkit |
3 | DateTime | 1.43 | 169 | A date and time object for Perl |
4 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.13 | 14 | Time zone object base class and factory |
5 | ExtUtils::MakeMaker | 7.28 | 36 | Create a module Makefile |
6 | File::Path | 2.13 | 36 | Create or remove directory trees |
7 | Getopt::Long | 2.50 | 83 | Module to handle parsing command line options |
8 | Inline::C | 0.78 | 21 | C Language Support for Inline |
9 | JSON | 2.94 | 75 | JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder |
10 | Module::Build | 0.4224 | 34 | Build and install Perl modules |
11 | Module::CoreList | 5.20170530 | 26 | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
12 | Mojo::Pg | 3.06 | 47 | Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL |
13 | Mojo::SQLite | 2.002 | 13 | A tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite |
14 | Mojolicious | 7.32 | 339 | Real-time web framework |
15 | MooseX::AttributeShortcuts | 0.031 | 13 | Shorthand for common attribute options |
16 | PAR::Packer | 1.037 | 26 | PAR Packager |
17 | Regexp::Common | 2017060201 | 35 | Provide commonly requested regular expressions |
18 | Type::Tiny | 1.002000 | 91 | tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint |
19 | perl | 5.026000 | 296 | The Perl 5 language interpreter |
20 | utf8::all | 0.023 | 24 | turn on Unicode - all of it |
(cclxvii) metacpan weekly report - perl
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 86
Week's winners (+3): perl
Build date: 2017/06/03 20:39:53 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): perl
Build date: 2017/06/03 20:39:53 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AI::XGBoost - Perl wrapper for XGBoost library https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost
- BlankOnDev - BlankOnDev - Development tools for BlankOn GNU/Linux.
- File::Fu - file and directory objects
- Hash::Unique - It's hash manipulation module
- Parallel::ForkManager::Scaled - Run processes in parallel based on CPU usage
- Pcore::PDF - non-blocking HTML to PDF converter
- SDL::sdlpl - Perl bindings for the SDL
- Text::CaboCha - Alternate Interface To libcabocha
- Text::Chart - Generate text-based chart
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=104)
- Alien::wxWidgets (+1=8)
- Android::Build (+1=2)
- AnyEvent::XMPP (+1=10)
- App::cpanminus (+1=222)
- App::cpm (+1=19)
- Archive::Zip (+1=27)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=78)
- Config::IniFiles (+1=7)
- Convert::Binary::C (+1=9)
- CPAN (+1=27)
- Data::Types (+1=2)
- DateTime (+1=169)
- DateTime::Locale (+1=6)
- Devel::Gladiator (+1=10)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=140)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=33)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=28)
- File::HomeDir (+1=24)
- FusionInventory::Agent (+1=2)
- Future (+1=32)
- Future::AsyncAwait (+2=2)
- GDGraph (+1=3)
- Glib (+1=6)
- GnuPG (+1=2)
- GraphQL (+1=2)
- Inline::C (+1=21)
- IO::All (+1=55)
- IO::Compress (+1=12)
- IO::Socket::SSL (+1=30)
- Lexical::Failure (+1=4)
- libwww::perl (+1=133)
- List::SomeUtils (+1=7)
- Locale::Wolowitz (+1=5)
- Log::Any (+1=45)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=65)
- Minilla (+1=31)
- Mo (+1=32)
- Mojo::Webqq (+1=5)
- Mojolicious (+1=339)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer (+1=5)
- Moo (+1=232)
- Moose (+1=265)
- MOP (+1=4)
- Net::GitHub (+1=22)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=26)
- Net::Proxy (+1=5)
- Path::Iterator::Rule (+1=20)
- Path::Tiny (+1=118)
- perl (+3=296)
- Perl::Critic::Freenode (+1=9)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=91)
- Plack (+1=195)
- Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor (+1=4)
- RedisDB (+1=9)
- Regexp::Assemble (+1=25)
- Router::XS (+1=2)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=127)
- Sereal (+1=42)
- Test::Cmd (+1=5)
- Test::Taint (+1=2)
- Test::TempDir::Tiny (+1=10)
- Text::CSV_XS (+1=68)
- Text::UpsideDown (+1=3)
- Thread::Queue (+1=9)
- Tie::IxHash (+1=15)
- Time::Moment (+1=62)
- Try::Tiny (+1=144)
- Type::Tiny (+1=91)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=3)
- WebService::Dropbox (+1=6)
- Wx (+1=19)
- XML::LibXML (+2=76)
(ccxci) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-03 20:35:07 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-06-03 20:35:07 GMT
- How do I make a PSGI program do costly initialisation only once per process, not per thread? - [8/0]
- Hypnotoad and main namespace - [3/0]
- Finding index of white space in Perl - [2/4]
- Efficiently loop through a file with a fixed length record string using Perl - [2/3]
- regexp that splits a string but ignores a quoted delimiter - [2/2]
- splitting by whitespace and joining with dots creates multiple dots Perl - [2/1]
- Error in gdata::installXLSXsupport() on Docker Centos 7 - [2/1]
- How do I use local::lib with fish shell? - [2/1]
- Error while executing execute_async_script in Selenium in perl - [2/0]
- jQuery Login - What is the best practise for a login? - [2/0]
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