# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Alien::Base | 0.042 | 13 | Base classes for Alien:: modules |
2 | DBD::Pg | 3.6.2 | 55 | DBI PostgreSQL interface |
3 | DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader | 0.07047 | 38 | Create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database |
4 | Exporter::Tiny | 1.000000 | 14 | an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies |
5 | Minilla | v3.0.11 | 30 | CPAN module authoring tool |
6 | Mojo::mysql | 1.03 | 14 | Mojolicious and Async MySQL |
7 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.44 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
8 | MooseX::App | 1.3701 | 13 | Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering |
9 | Net::GitHub | 0.87 | 21 | Perl Interface for github.com |
10 | PDL | 2.018 | 27 | Perl Data Language |
11 | Selenium::Remote::Driver | 1.20 | 32 | Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver |
12 | Spreadsheet::Read | 0.72 | 17 | Meta-Wrapper for reading spreadsheet data |
13 | Teng | 0.30 | 21 | very simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper |
27 may 2017
(cxxxiv) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
(cclxvi) metacpan weekly report - Moo
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 57
Week's winner: Moo (+3)
Build date: 2017/05/27 03:29:09 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: Moo (+3)
Build date: 2017/05/27 03:29:09 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable - dzil pod coverage tests with configurable parameters
- GraphQL - Perl implementation
- Hash::Normalize - Automatically normalize Unicode hash keys.
- Lingua::ZH::Jieba - Perl wrapper for CppJieba (Chinese text segmentation)
- Mojo::Zabbix - A simple perl wrapper of Zabbix API.
- Router::XS - Fast URI path to value lookup
- WebService::Gitter - An interface to Gitter REST API via Perl 5.
- ZHOUYI - The ZHOUYI is module interpreter and outer the Chinese ancient philosophy of The Book of Change(易ç»);
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=103)
- App::cpanminus (+1=222)
- Carton (+1=78)
- CPAN::DistnameInfo (+1=8)
- CryptX (+1=25)
- Dancer2 (+1=89)
- Data::BitStream (+1=3)
- Data::Printer (+1=113)
- Data::Serializer (+1=6)
- DateTime (+1=168)
- DateTime::Format::Strptime (+1=19)
- DBIx::Class (+1=248)
- Devel::CheckLib (+1=10)
- Devel::Cover (+1=83)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=157)
- Git::CPAN::Patch (+1=10)
- HTML::Parser (+1=36)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=84)
- IO::Async (+1=38)
- JIRA::Client::Automated (+1=2)
- Lab::Measurement (+1=2)
- libwww::perl (+1=132)
- Minion (+1=45)
- Mojo::Webqq (+1=5)
- Mojo::Weixin (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Model (+1=5)
- Moo (+3=231)
- Moose (+1=264)
- MooseX::Aspect (+1=2)
- NativeCall (+1=9)
- Path::Tiny (+1=117)
- perl (+1=293)
- Perl::Critic::Freenode (+1=8)
- Plack (+1=194)
- Rex (+2=51)
- Rex::JobControl (+1=2)
- Router::R3 (+1=8)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=27)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=107)
- Test2::Suite (+1=8)
- Test::BDD::Cucumber (+1=8)
- Test::WWW::Selenium (+2=15)
- XML::Rabbit (+1=22)
- YAML (+1=51)
- Zilla::Dist (+1=5)
(ccxc) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-27 03:25:16 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-27 03:25:16 GMT
- Perl Unit Testing -- is the subroutine testable? - [5/3]
- perl: print a string from a hash that contains a reference to it - [4/3]
- Why does the Dumper module place parens around the assignment of its settings hash? - [4/2]
- Perl `split` does not `split` to default array - [4/2]
- Is there a way to run perl code during cpan install after tests have passed? - [3/2]
- Attribute is => 'Maybe[SomeSubtype]' returns Attribute () does not pass type constraint - [3/2]
- how to make perl script into installer exe or msi - [3/1]
- How can I attach a debugger to a Dancer2 application - [3/0]
- Dancer2 application: streaming content blocks server and client. How to avoid blocking? - [3/0]
- Perl - Combine multiple regexps without renumbering? - [2/3]
21 may 2017
(cxxxiii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.302 | 15 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | Code::TidyAll | 0.59 | 27 | Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator |
3 | Expect | 1.35 | 16 | |
4 | Function::Parameters | 2.000007 | 35 | define functions and methods with parameter lists ("subroutine signatures") |
5 | Furl | 3.11 | 34 | Lightning-fast URL fetcher |
6 | JSON | 2.93 | 72 | JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder |
7 | Log::Contextual | 0.007001 | 12 | Simple logging interface with a contextual log |
8 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.015000 | 16 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
9 | Mojo::mysql | 1.02 | 14 | Mojolicious and Async MySQL |
10 | PPI | 1.224 | 39 | Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl) |
11 | Perl::Tidy | 20170521 | 86 | indent and reformat perl scripts |
12 | Ref::Util | 0.203 | 13 | Utility functions for checking references |
13 | Teng | 0.29 | 21 | very simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper |
14 | Test::Class::Moose | 0.84 | 12 | Serious testing for serious Perl |
15 | YAML::LibYAML | 0.65 | 34 | Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml |
(cclxv) metacpan weekly report - Moo
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 64
Week's winners (+3): Moo
Build date: 2017/05/21 17:55:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+3): Moo
Build date: 2017/05/21 17:55:47 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::dt - CLI data transformer
- App::GetClosestFile - get full path matches for filename regexes in diretory trees
- App::GHPT - A command line tool to simplify using Github and Pivotal Tracker for an agile workflow
- Business::Tax::VAT::Validation - Validate EU VAT numbers against VIES
- Google::Cloud::Speech - An interface to Google cloud speech service
- MARC::Spec - A MARCspec parser and builder
- Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 - Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
- Plack::Middleware::Memento - Enable the Memento protocol
- UI::Dialog - wrapper for various dialog applications.
- WWW::Sitemap::Simple - simple sitemap builder
- Yandex::Dictionary - a simple API for Yandex.Dictionary
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=13)
- App::opan (+1=7)
- App::perlbrew (+1=144)
- App::scan_prereqs_cpanfile (+1=16)
- Carp (+1=48)
- Carton (+1=77)
- Config::ZOMG (+2=11)
- CPAN::Changes (+1=23)
- CPAN::Meta (+1=22)
- Dancer (+1=140)
- Data::Table (+1=16)
- Date::Calc (+1=17)
- DBIx::Class (+1=247)
- Devel::REPL (+1=53)
- DTL::Fast (+1=3)
- libwww::perl (+1=131)
- Linux::LXC (+1=2)
- Log::Journald (+1=2)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=64)
- Mastodon::Client (+1=2)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=40)
- Mojo::Pg (+1=47)
- Mojolicious (+1=339)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ConfigHashMerge (+1=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Model (+1=4)
- Moo (+3=229)
- Moose (+1=263)
- MooseX::Getopt (+1=19)
- MooseX::Test::Role (+1=4)
- MooX::TypeTiny (+1=5)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=25)
- Net::Shadowsocks (+1=4)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=60)
- Paws (+1=25)
- Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePod (+1=2)
- perl::ldap (+1=10)
- Perlito5 (+1=3)
- Plack (+1=193)
- Proc::Daemon (+1=14)
- PSGI (+1=44)
- REST::Consumer (+1=2)
- Rex (+1=49)
- Sereal (+1=41)
- Systemd::Daemon (+1=3)
- Text::Diff (+1=11)
- Twiggy (+1=21)
- Type::Tiny (+2=90)
- XML::Simple (+1=31)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=38)
(cclxxxix) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-21 17:52:55 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-21 17:52:55 GMT
- Is there a core Perl module for SSL/TLS support? - [5/1]
- What does this nefarious program do? - [4/3]
- How to catch connection error on Perl MongoDB driver? - [4/0]
- Interpolating a non-interpolated passed string inside a subroutine in Perl - [3/1]
- Why is my perl script an order of magnitude faster than the equivalent python code - [3/0]
- In Perl, how can I use `s///` to make multiple replacements? - [2/4]
- Error running Learn Perl (learn.perl.org) example for reading a directory - [2/2]
- Subroutine giving two different outputs when called twice - [2/2]
- How can I validate function parameters in Perl? - [2/2]
- How to optimize this Perl file find? - [2/1]
13 may 2017
(cxxxii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Data::Dumper::Concise | 2.023 | 17 | Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing |
2 | Devel::Cover | 1.25 | 79 | Code coverage metrics for Perl |
3 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git | 2.042 | 36 | Update your git repository after release |
4 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub | 0.44 | 14 | Plugins to integrate Dist::Zilla with GitHub |
5 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs | 0.027 | 12 | Report on prerequisite versions during automated testing |
6 | IPC::Cmd | 0.98 | 15 | A cross platform way of running (interactive) commandline programs. |
7 | IPC::Run | 0.96 | 21 | system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys (Unix, Win32) |
8 | Inline::C | 0.77 | 18 | C Language Support for Inline |
9 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.014000 | 16 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
10 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.43 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
11 | Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication | 1.32 | 13 | A plugin to make authentication a bit easier |
12 | MooseX::AttributeShortcuts | 0.029 | 13 | Shorthand for common attribute options |
13 | Ref::Util | 0.201 | 13 | Utility functions for checking references |
14 | Spreadsheet::Read | 0.71 | 17 | Meta-Wrapper for reading spreadsheet data |
15 | Test::Class::Moose | 0.83 | 12 | Serious testing for serious Perl |
16 | Test::TCP | 2.19 | 20 | testing TCP program |
(cclxiv) metacpan weekly report
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 51
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/05/13 19:47:55 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
This week there isn't any remarkable distribution
Build date: 2017/05/13 19:47:55 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Capstone - Perl extension for capstone-engine
- Games::Dice - Perl module to simulate die rolls
- Keystone - Perl extension for keystone-engine
- MARC::Charset - convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
- Stow - manage the installation of multiple software packages
- Time::Verbal - Convert time distance to words.
Increasing its reputation:
- AI::MXNet (+1=12)
- Amon2 (+1=24)
- App::cpanminus (+1=221)
- Chart::Clicker (+1=26)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=25)
- Convert::Binary::C (+1=8)
- curry (+1=18)
- Dancer2 (+1=88)
- Data::Printer (+1=112)
- DBIx::Connector (+1=33)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=156)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (+1=38)
- Dist::Zilla::TravisCI (+1=7)
- DTL::Fast (+1=2)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker (+1=36)
- failures (+1=11)
- IO::Async (+1=37)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=9)
- Lingua::Identify::CLD (+1=3)
- Lingua::ManagementSpeak (+1=2)
- Math::AnyNum (+1=3)
- Menlo (+1=9)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth (+1=12)
- Moo (+1=226)
- Moose (+1=262)
- MySQL::Admin (+1=2)
- Net::Twitter (+1=29)
- Path::Tiny (+1=116)
- Perl::Critic (+1=80)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=90)
- perlfaq (+1=5)
- Permute::Named (+1=2)
- Router::R3 (+1=7)
- Safe::Isa (+1=27)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (+1=29)
- SQL::Abstract::More (+1=16)
- Test::Reporter (+1=4)
- Tkx (+1=3)
- Try::Tiny (+1=143)
- Twitter::API (+1=2)
- URI (+1=83)
- Validator::LIVR (+1=6)
- Wx (+1=19)
- Wx::Demo (+1=4)
- XML::LibXML (+1=74)
(cclxxxviii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-13 19:44:28 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-13 19:44:28 GMT
- Perl fails to kill self pid when running from bash script - [4/3]
- Why is this negative lookbehind being considered a successful regex match? - [4/2]
- What does the caret ^ in (?^...) mean in the string form of a Perl qr// Regex? - [4/2]
- SFTP file uploading and downloading at same time - [3/3]
- what is the difference between taking reference to a variable using \ and {},[] in perl? - [3/2]
- "=~" and "!~" operator makes odd hash count in Perl when passed in a subroutine - [3/1]
- Perl: Trying to speed up parsing a delimited file - [3/1]
- How to send boolean value from perl script without converting them into string - [3/1]
- Spawn Expect from a perl thread - [3/1]
- Perl module for 'file' command? - [3/1]
6 may 2017
(cxxxi) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Catalyst::Runtime | 5.90115 | 129 | The Catalyst Framework Runtime |
2 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 3.0233 | 16 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
3 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs | 0.026 | 12 | Report on prerequisite versions during automated testing |
4 | MCE | 1.829 | 50 | Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities |
5 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.42 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
6 | Moose | 2.2005 | 257 | A postmodern object system for Perl 5 |
7 | Net::DNS | 1.10 | 12 | Perl Interface to the Domain Name System |
8 | Params::Validate | 1.28 | 29 | Validate method/function parameters |
9 | Test::Deep | 1.127 | 37 | Extremely flexible deep comparison |
10 | Test::Simple | 1.302085 | 138 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
(cclxiii) metacpan weekly report - XS::Tutorial
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 43
Week's winner: XS::Tutorial (+5)
Build date: 2017/05/06 21:30:25 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: XS::Tutorial (+5)
Build date: 2017/05/06 21:30:25 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::Emitter - Event emitter base class (Mojo::EventEmitter porting).
- API::Wunderlist - Wunderlist.com API Client
- Filter::ExtractSource - captures Perl code after processing by source filters
- Forks::Queue - queue that can be shared across processes
- Sys::Linux::Namespace - Sets up linux kernel namespaces
- WebService::Braintree - A Client Library for wrapping the Braintree Payment Services Gateway API
- WWW::Google::Places - Interface to Google Places API.
- Yandex::Translate - Yandex::Translate - A simple API for Yandex.Translate
Increasing its reputation:
- Beam::Wire (+1=12)
- Catalyst::Manual (+1=43)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=24)
- CommonMark (+1=5)
- Const::Fast (+1=23)
- Dancer2 (+1=87)
- Data::Alias (+1=11)
- Data::Validate::IP (+1=7)
- DBI (+1=205)
- Devel::StackTrace::Extract (+1=2)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=27)
- Geo::Coder::Google (+1=7)
- HADaemon::Control (+1=2)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=83)
- Image::Size (+1=10)
- JSON (+1=75)
- Kafka (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication (+1=14)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth (+1=11)
- Moo (+1=225)
- Moo::Google (+2=2)
- Net::DNS (+1=13)
- Net::IP (+1=5)
- Net::Netmask (+2=3)
- Net::Subnet (+1=2)
- PDL (+1=32)
- PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot (+1=6)
- Sereal::Path (+1=5)
- XS::Tutorial (+5=5)
(cclxxxvii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-06 21:24:34 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-05-06 21:24:34 GMT
- Check whether an array contains a value from another array - [4/2]
- How to apply splice or any other function to several different arrays in Perl? - [3/3]
- How to locate Perl modules in the same directory as the script - [3/2]
- What does the ^= operator do in Perl? - [3/2]
- Perl - Synchronizing Data Access - [3/2]
- How can I log to two different files in Log4perl? - [3/1]
- Perl Thaw throwing segmentation fault - [3/1]
- How to conditionally import functions from another module and export them to the local namespace - [2/3]
- Regex match two words or at least one - [2/2]
- Strip string but allow umlauts - [2/2]
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