31 dic 2016

(cxiii) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 App::cpm 0.296 15 a fast CPAN module installer
2 DBD::SQLite 1.54 64 Self Contained SQLite RDBMS in a DBI Driver
3 DateTime 1.42 163 A date and time object for Perl
4 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub 0.43 14 Plugins to integrate Dist::Zilla with GitHub
5 Git::Raw 0.70 18 Perl bindings to the Git linkable library (libgit2)
6 MetaCPAN::Client 2.004000 16 A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
7 Modern::Perl 1.20161229 37 enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
8 Mojo::Pg 2.31 43 Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL
9 Mojolicious 7.13 332 Real-time web framework
10 Net::DNS 1.07 12 Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
11 PAR::Packer 1.036 25 PAR Packager
12 Paws 0.29 20 A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs
13 Raisin 0.70 24 a REST API micro framework for Perl.
14 Ref::Util 0.111 13 Utility functions for checking references
15 Selenium::Remote::Driver 1.02 32 Perl Client for Selenium Remote Driver
16 Swagger2 0.88 23 Swagger RESTful API Documentation
17 Test::WWW::Mechanize 1.48 17 Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
18 Text::ASCIITable 0.22 14 Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters.
19 YAML 1.21 48 YAML Ain't Markup Language™

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