# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::perlbrew | 0.78 | 142 | App::perlbrew - Manage perl installations in your $HOME |
2 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 3.0225 | 16 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
3 | DBD::mysql | 4.040 | 39 | A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI) |
4 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.09 | 14 | Time zone object base class and factory |
5 | Devel::NYTProf | 6.04 | 135 | Powerful fast feature-rich Perl source code profiler |
6 | Dist::Milla | v1.0.17 | 22 | Distribution builder, Opinionated but Unobtrusive |
7 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod | 0.163250 | 12 | Automatically convert POD to a README in any format for Dist::Zilla |
8 | IO::Socket::SSL | 2.039 | 26 | Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET. |
9 | Image::ExifTool | 10.36 | 21 | Read and write meta information |
10 | MCE | 1.809 | 50 | Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities |
11 | Minilla | v3.0.6 | 30 | CPAN module authoring tool |
12 | Module::CoreList | 5.20161120 | 25 | what modules shipped with versions of perl |
13 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.28 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
14 | Net::Twitter | 4.01041 | 27 | A perl interface to the Twitter API |
15 | Test::Simple | 1.302067 | 138 | Basic utilities for writing tests. |
16 | Text::Unidecode | 1.30 | 19 | Provide plain ASCII transliterations of Unicode text |
17 | Time::HiRes | 1.9741 | 45 | High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers |
18 | Time::Moment | 0.40 | 58 | Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC |
19 | XML::Twig | 3.52 | 46 | XML, The Perl Way |
27 nov 2016
(cviii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
(ccxl) metacpan weekly report - Digest::SHA && Text::MultiMarkdown
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 75
Week's winners (+2): Digest::SHA && Text::MultiMarkdown
Build date: 2016/11/27 19:48:13 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winners (+2): Digest::SHA && Text::MultiMarkdown
Build date: 2016/11/27 19:48:13 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Compress::Zstd - Perl interface to the Zstd (Zstandard) (de)compressor
- CPAN::Testers::ParseReport - parse reports to www.cpantesters.org from various sources
- DBICx::MaterializedPath - DBIx::Class plugin for automatically tracking lineage paths in simple data trees.
- Devel::Deprecate - Create deprecation schedules in your code
- File::JSON::Slurper - slurp a JSON file into a data structure, and the reverse
- Log::Any::Adapter::MojoLog - Log::Any integration for Mojo::Log
- Module::Reader - Read the source of a module like perl does
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client -
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ReCAPTCHAv2 - use Googles "No CAPTCHA reCAPCTHA" (reCAPTCHA v2) service in Mojolicious apps
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Scrypt - Scrypt salted password hashing for Mojolicious
- Net::Fastly - client library for interacting with the Fastly web acceleration service
- Pandoc - wrapper for the mighty Pandoc document converter
- Sort::Sub - Collection of sort subroutines
- Test::Command - Test routines for external commands
- Test::Command::Simple - Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules.
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=100)
- AnyEvent::DBI::MySQL (+1=5)
- App::ElasticSearch::Utilities (+1=3)
- App::FatPacker (+1=36)
- Array::Utils (+1=8)
- autobox (+1=20)
- Carton (+1=70)
- Class::CSV (+1=3)
- CLI::Helpers (+1=2)
- Config::General (+1=21)
- Config::Identity (+1=6)
- Data::Dumper (+1=75)
- DBI (+1=201)
- DBIx::Class (+1=243)
- Digest::SHA (+2=18)
- Email::Sender (+1=36)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=23)
- FFI::Raw (+1=27)
- Git::Raw (+1=19)
- Hash::Util::Pick (+1=2)
- Image::ExifTool (+1=22)
- install (+1=8)
- lib (+1=3)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=8)
- local::lib (+1=69)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=60)
- Modern::Perl (+1=38)
- Module::CoreList (+1=26)
- Mojo::JWT (+1=8)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=36)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Bcrypt (+1=5)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::EventSource (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail (+1=11)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::MailException (+1=6)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Recaptcha (+1=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::REST (+1=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes (+1=4)
- Params::Classify (+1=2)
- Parse::Syslog::Line (+1=3)
- Pod::Markdown::Github (+1=4)
- Rose::DB::Object (+1=18)
- Set::Scalar (+1=10)
- Sort::Naturally (+1=14)
- Sparrow (+1=5)
- Starman (+1=86)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+1=3)
- Task::Kensho (+1=70)
- Test::Cmd (+1=5)
- Test::DBIC::ExpectedQueries (+1=2)
- Test::Differences (+1=14)
- Test::Fixme (+1=4)
- Text::CSV (+1=45)
- Text::MultiMarkdown (+2=9)
- Time::Moment (+1=59)
- UnderscoreJS (+1=2)
- URI (+1=79)
- XML::Hash::LX (+1=3)
- XML::Spice (+1=2)
26 nov 2016
(cclxv) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-26 07:44:46 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-26 07:44:46 GMT
- in perl how to write to caller's variable without using XS? - [8/1]
- access global perl variables from inline C - [7/1]
- What is the difference between function call and goto &NAME in Perl? - [5/1]
- perl compare strings with "==" - [4/1]
- how to remove calculating the original string in frequency calculation using perl - [3/2]
- multi-level inheritance in Perl - [3/2]
- Why does calling eval without a block terminate this Perl program? - [3/1]
- Get list of Windows 7 ODBC Data Sources through Command Line - [3/1]
- How to attach ZUGFeRD-XML to a PDF with perl? - [3/1]
- Weakening captures using Sub::Quote - [3/1]
19 nov 2016
(cvii) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 3.0223 | 16 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
2 | CryptX | 0.042 | 18 | Crypto toolkit |
3 | DBD::SQLite | 1.52 | 64 | Self Contained SQLite RDBMS in a DBI Driver |
4 | DBD::mysql | 4.039 | 39 | A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI) |
5 | DateTime | 1.41 | 163 | A date and time object for Perl |
6 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.08 | 14 | Time zone object base class and factory |
7 | Devel::Confess | 0.009003 | 26 | Include stack traces on all warnings and errors |
8 | Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git | 2.041 | 36 | Update your git repository after release |
9 | Email::Simple | 2.211 | 14 | simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers |
10 | JSON::XS | 3.03 | 86 | JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast |
11 | Log::Dispatch | 2.58 | 36 | Dispatches messages to one or more outputs |
12 | Log::Log4perl | 1.48 | 59 | Log4j implementation for Perl |
13 | MetaCPAN::Client | 2.000000 | 16 | A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API |
14 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.27 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
15 | MooseX::App | 1.37 | 13 | Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering |
16 | Net::Twitter | 4.01030 | 27 | A perl interface to the Twitter API |
17 | Raisin | 0.69 | 24 | a REST API micro framework for Perl. |
18 | Test::DBIx::Class | 0.51 | 15 | Easier test cases for your DBIx::Class applications |
19 | Web::Simple | 0.032 | 20 | A quick and easy way to build simple web applications |
20 | YAML | 1.19 | 48 | YAML Ain't Markup Language™ |
(ccxxxix) metacpan weekly report - Text::MultiMarkdown
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 55
Week's winner (+3): Text::MultiMarkdown
Build date: 2016/11/19 09:02:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner (+3): Text::MultiMarkdown
Build date: 2016/11/19 09:02:22 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Alien::LIBSVM - Alien package for the LIBSVM library
- Config::Any::Merge - Overrinding of configuration variables based on file order
- Data::Xslate - Templatize your data.
- File::SearchPath - Search for a file in an environment variable path
- Memoize::Lift - lift expression evaluation to compile time
- XML::Spice - generating XML has never been so Perly!
Increasing its reputation:
- AnyEvent::Fork::RPC (+1=7)
- App::perlbrew (+1=142)
- App::revealup (+1=13)
- Data::Printer (+1=107)
- Data::Validate::IP (+1=4)
- DBD::mysql (+1=39)
- DBD::Pg (+1=55)
- DBI (+1=200)
- DBIx::Class (+2=242)
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls (+1=13)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=10)
- File::Slurp (+1=60)
- Getopt::Long (+1=78)
- Hash::Merge (+1=20)
- HTTP::Tinyish (+1=4)
- Imager (+1=54)
- Import::Base (+1=10)
- Internals (+1=3)
- IPC::Run (+1=21)
- JSON (+1=72)
- Linux::Smaps (+1=2)
- MetaCPAN::Client (+1=16)
- Mojolicious (+2=332)
- MojoX::Log::Log4perl (+1=7)
- Moops (+1=43)
- OrePAN2 (+1=9)
- Params::ValidationCompiler (+1=3)
- PerlMagick::6.89 (+1=0)
- PerlPowerTools (+1=13)
- Pod::Text::Color::Delight (+1=6)
- podlators (+1=8)
- Proc::ProcessTable (+1=13)
- Readonly (+1=11)
- Selenium::Remote::Driver (+1=32)
- Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX (+1=11)
- Statistics::NiceR (+1=10)
- Test::DBIx::Class (+2=15)
- Test::Deep (+1=37)
- Text::MultiMarkdown (+3=9)
- VM::EC2 (+1=5)
- Win32::OLE (+1=12)
- Win32::TieRegistry (+1=5)
- WWW::DuckDuckGo (+1=5)
- XML::RSS::Parser (+1=2)
(cclxiv) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-19 08:59:02 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-19 08:59:02 GMT
- Test::More is_deeply does not pretty-print array/hashrefs when comparing against strings - [8/1]
- What is the real purpose of the $VERSION variable in Perl? - [7/2]
- Why do I get a syntax error in backticks, even though it works in terminal? - [6/1]
- Using split(//, $str, $limit) returning trailing empty elements, contradicting documentation - [6/1]
- Perl vs Javascript regular expressions - [5/1]
- Perl signal handlers are reset in END blocks - [4/0]
- How to use backreference multiple times? - [3/5]
- Which identifiers are considered to be dynamic? - [3/2]
- Replace the string in Single shot using perl - [3/2]
- Distinguishing empty subroutines from subroutines with at least some minimal code - [3/1]
12 nov 2016
(cvi) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | App::cpm | 0.214 | 15 | a fast CPAN module installer |
2 | App::perlbrew | 0.77 | 141 | App::perlbrew - Manage perl installations in your $HOME |
3 | BioPerl | 1.007001 | 16 | Bioinformatics Toolkit |
4 | Kelp | 0.9081 | 30 | A web framework light, yet rich in nutrients. |
5 | Log::Any | 1.045 | 40 | Bringing loggers and listeners together |
6 | Minilla | v3.0.5 | 30 | CPAN module authoring tool |
7 | Test::Deep | 1.124 | 36 | Extremely flexible deep comparison |
8 | Tickit | 0.60 | 16 | Terminal Interface Construction KIT |
(ccxxxviii) metacpan weekly report - MCE
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 67
Week's winner: MCE (+4)
Build date: 2016/11/12 08:58:57 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: MCE (+4)
Build date: 2016/11/12 08:58:57 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace - Display a stack trace on the debug screen
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::IMAP - IMAP authentication provider for Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
- Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic - fast and complete protocol buffer implementation
- HTML::Laundry - Perl module to clean HTML by the piece
- MooseX::CurriedDelegation - Curry your delegations with methods
- RTx::ToGitHub - Convert rt.cpan.org tickets to GitHub issues
- Term::Spark - Perl extension for dispaying bars in the terminal
- Types::Encodings - type constraints for Bytes and Chars
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=99)
- Action::Retry (+1=9)
- Algorithm::NaiveBayes (+1=3)
- AnyEvent::FastPing (+1=4)
- AnyEvent::Fork (+1=9)
- App::cpanminus (+1=214)
- App::perlbrew (+1=141)
- Bytes::Random::Secure (+1=6)
- CBOR::XS (+1=8)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=23)
- CPAN::Meta (+1=21)
- CPAN::Mini (+1=34)
- Dancer2 (+1=82)
- Date::Tiny (+1=4)
- DBD::Cassandra (+1=4)
- Devel::Cover (+1=79)
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls (+1=12)
- Devel::OverloadInfo (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla (+2=151)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub (+1=14)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExample (+1=2)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod (+1=6)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=32)
- forks (+1=17)
- Getopt::Long (+1=77)
- HTML::TableExtract (+1=5)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=81)
- IO::HTML (+1=6)
- JSON::MaybeXS (+1=30)
- lib::xi (+1=6)
- List::Objects::Types (+1=4)
- List::Objects::WithUtils (+1=9)
- MCE (+4=50)
- MCE::Shared (+1=6)
- Memoize (+1=17)
- Modern::Perl (+1=37)
- Mojolicious (+1=331)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Vparam (+1=3)
- MojoX::Log::Log4perl (+1=6)
- Net::Ping (+1=7)
- parent (+1=20)
- Parse::IRC (+1=3)
- PerlX::Maybe (+2=18)
- Pod::ProjectDocs (+1=3)
- Pod::Readme (+1=6)
- Redis (+1=37)
- Reply (+1=49)
- Sort::Naturally (+1=13)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=39)
- Test::TCP (+1=20)
- Test::Vars (+1=8)
- Text::Xslate (+1=53)
- Time::HiRes (+1=45)
- WWW::Telegram::BotAPI (+1=4)
(cclxiii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-12 08:55:55 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-12 08:55:55 GMT
- Display LWP::UserAgent download progress - [6/2]
- How can I define a parsing grammar in Perl 5? - [4/1]
- Perl/Linux filtering large file with content of another file - [3/5]
- Negative Lookahead RegEx - [3/4]
- understading data structures in perl - [3/3]
- How to get the global variable value in Perl? - [3/2]
- Sort hash attending to two parameters - [3/2]
- How can I improve the performance of this MySQL Query in Perl, the same Query directly executed in MySQL Workbench is 1600 times faster - [3/1]
- Understanding Arrays of Arrays - [3/1]
- Perl large download direct to file (to avoid RAM overload) - [3/1]
5 nov 2016
(cv) CPAN great modules released last week
This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
# | CPAN module | Version | Votes | Abstract |
1 | Alien::Base | 0.030 | 13 | A base class for Alien:: modules |
2 | App::cpm | 0.213 | 15 | a fast CPAN module installer |
3 | Code::TidyAll | 0.55 | 27 | Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator |
4 | Cpanel::JSON::XS | 3.0222 | 16 | cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing |
5 | DBIx::Class::Helpers | 2.033002 | 37 | Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class. |
6 | DateTime::TimeZone | 2.07 | 14 | Time zone object base class and factory |
7 | MCE | 1.808 | 46 | Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities |
8 | Mojolicious | 7.10 | 330 | Real-time web framework |
9 | Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack | 1.25 | 35 | Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files |
10 | Moo | 2.002005 | 215 | Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility) |
11 | RPerl | 2.2 | 16 | Restricted Perl, The Optimizing Perl 5 Compiler |
12 | Role::Tiny | 2.000005 | 37 | Roles. Like a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose. |
13 | Safe::Isa | 1.000006 | 26 | Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects |
14 | Term::ANSIColor | 4.06 | 38 | Color output using ANSI escape sequences |
15 | Term::ReadLine::Gnu | 1.35 | 16 | Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library |
16 | Test::DBIx::Class | 0.49 | 13 | Easier test cases for your DBIx::Class applications |
(ccxxxvii) metacpan weekly report - perl
This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 91
Week's winner: perl (+3)
Build date: 2016/11/05 13:45:21 GMT
Clicked for first time:
Increasing its reputation:
Week's winner: perl (+3)
Build date: 2016/11/05 13:45:21 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AI::ANN - an artificial neural network simulator
- AI::CBR - Framework for Case-Based Reasoning
- AI::MaxEntropy - Perl extension for learning Maximum Entropy Models
- AI::NNEasy - Define, learn and use easy Neural Networks of different types using a portable code in Perl and XS.
- AI::PSO - Module for running the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
- Algorithm::SVM - Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library.
- Algorithm::SVMLight - Perl interface to SVMLight Machine-Learning Package
- AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Simple - Easy to use asynchronous AMQP client
- B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr - Hook into opcode execution
- B::OPCheck - PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
- Carp::Datum - Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module
- File::Pairtree - pt command and routines to manage pairtrees
- Games::Chess::Referee -
- Getopt::Kingpin - command line options parser (like golang kingpin)
- Lingua::AR::Tashkeel - Subroutines for operating on Arabic vowel marks
- MD5Check - Use it for init Web files's md5 values of your site(or other dir), and check if it changed!
- Output::Rewrite - Rewrite your script output.
- PDLx::Mask - Mask multiple piddles with automatic two way feedback
- Qiniu - Perl 版七牛云å˜储 API
- Statistics::Welford - Standard statistics using Welford's algorithm
- Sub::Disable - Remove function/method call from compiled code
- Variable::Eject - Eject variables from hash to current namespace
- Variable::OnDestruct - Call a subroutine on destruction of a variable.
- Variable::Temp - Temporarily change the value of a variable.
Increasing its reputation:
- Action::Retry (+1=8)
- AI::DecisionTree (+1=2)
- AI::FANN (+1=2)
- AI::FANN::Evolving (+1=4)
- AI::FuzzyEngine (+1=2)
- AI::Genetic::Pro (+1=2)
- AI::NaiveBayes (+1=4)
- AI::Nerl (+1=2)
- Algorithm::LibLinear (+1=4)
- Algorithm::NaiveBayes (+1=2)
- AnyEvent::BitTorrent (+1=3)
- App::podify (+1=2)
- App::Sqitch (+1=32)
- autobox (+1=19)
- AWS::Signature4 (+1=2)
- B::Generate (+1=2)
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope (+1=6)
- Class::Method::Modifiers (+1=22)
- Data::Diver (+1=6)
- Data::Frame (+1=7)
- DateTime (+1=163)
- DBIx::Class (+1=241)
- Devel::MAT (+1=7)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=135)
- Devel::Timer (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CopyFilesFromBuild (+1=6)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=32)
- Feersum (+1=7)
- File::Path (+1=36)
- Filter (+1=6)
- Function::Parameters (+1=35)
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive (+1=31)
- Hash::Ordered (+1=24)
- Hook::AfterRuntime (+1=4)
- HTML::Parser (+1=32)
- illguts (+1=2)
- Minion (+1=42)
- Minion::Backend::SQLite (+1=5)
- Moo (+1=215)
- MooX::TypeTiny (+1=4)
- Net::Google::Drive::Simple (+1=5)
- Net::Stripe::Simple (+1=2)
- OptArgs2 (+1=2)
- Pandoc::Elements (+1=3)
- Params::ValidationCompiler (+1=2)
- perl (+3=287)
- Perl::Critic (+1=77)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=86)
- perlfaq (+1=3)
- Role::Tiny (+1=37)
- Rose::DB (+1=8)
- Scope::Guard (+1=12)
- Search::Elasticsearch (+1=24)
- Storable (+1=33)
- Sub::Call::Recur (+1=2)
- Sub::Infix (+1=3)
- Syntax::Keyword::Try (+1=2)
- Term::ANSIColor (+1=38)
- Term::ShellUI (+1=5)
- Tie::Trace (+1=5)
- Type::Tiny::Signatures (+1=4)
- Variable::Disposition (+1=2)
- Variable::Magic (+1=18)
- Variable::Watcher (+1=2)
- YAML::Tiny (+1=22)
(cclxii) stackoverflow perl report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-05 13:43:32 GMT
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-11-05 13:43:32 GMT
- Regex for replacing space with comma-space, except at end of line - [9/3]
- Is using strict with an empty list equivalent to not using strict at all? - [8/1]
- Why does modulo operation gives different results in Java VS Perl? - [5/3]
- How to subclass IO::Handle to properly get a low level file handle without having a file or memory? - [5/0]
- Understanding references in Perl - [4/2]
- Reading system files with perl without issuing extra seek syscalls on open - [4/1]
- Installing an perl based web-app in extremely restricted environment - [4/1]
- Log4perl Singleton usage - [3/1]
- Passing bash variable into inline perl script - [2/4]
- Parallel::ForkManager makes subroutine 1000x slower - [2/3]
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