11 jun 2016

(lxxxiv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 CGI 4.30 27 Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
2 Catalyst::Runtime 5.90105 127 The Catalyst Framework Runtime
3 Cpanel::JSON::XS 3.0215 14 cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
4 CryptX 0.036 19 Crypto toolkit
5 DateTime::TimeZone 2.00 14 Time zone object base class and factory
6 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs 0.025 12 Report on prerequisite versions during automated testing
7 Excel::Writer::XLSX 0.94 30 Create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format.
8 Expect 1.33 16 automate interactions with command line programs that expose a text terminal interface.
9 Function::Parameters 1.0705 29 subroutine definitions with parameter lists
10 Gazelle 0.44 18 a Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks
11 Getopt::Long 2.49 76 Module to handle parsing command line options
12 Mojolicious 6.64 309 Real-time web framework
13 MooseX::Types::Path::Class 0.09 12 A Path::Class type library for Moose
14 Net::OpenSSH 0.73 21 Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
15 Net::SFTP::Foreign 1.86 15 Secure File Transfer Protocol client
16 Net::SSH2 0.62 16 Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2.
17 PDF::API2 2.028 12 Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
18 RPerl 1.75 15 Restricted Perl, The Optimizing Perl 5 Compiler
19 Regexp::Common 2016060801 34 Provide commonly requested regular expressions
20 SOAP::Lite 1.20 16 Perl's Web Services Toolkit
21 Starlet 0.30 14 a simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
22 Swagger2 0.81 19 Swagger RESTful API Documentation
23 Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.33 16 Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
24 Test::Simple 1.302026 129 Basic utilities for writing tests.
25 perl5i v2.13.2 26 Fix as much of Perl 5 as possible in one pragma

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