
1 abr 2016

(lxxiv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Votes Abstract
1 Archive::Zip 1.57 27 Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
2 Bread::Board 0.34 23 A solderless way to wire up your application components
3 Code::TidyAll 0.43 24 Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator
4 Config::Any 0.27 16 Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
5 DBIx::Lite 0.25 13 Chained and minimal ORM
6 Data::Table 1.74 14 Data type related to database tables, spreadsheets, CSV/TSV files, HTML table displays, etc.
7 DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.67 16 Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
8 Devel::NYTProf 6.03 128 Powerful fast feature-rich Perl source code profiler
9 Email::Valid 1.200 25 Check validity of Internet email addresses
10 HTTP::BrowserDetect 3.10 21 Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
11 Mojo::Pg 2.25 40 Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL
12 PAR::Packer 1.030 24 PAR Packager
13 Parallel::ForkManager 1.18 51 A simple parallel processing fork manager
14 Params::Validate 1.23 24 Validate method/function parameters
15 RapidApp 1.1007 21 Turnkey ajaxy webapps
16 Statocles 0.074 13 A static site generator
17 Ubic 1.59 47 polymorphic service manager

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