
26 sept 2015

(cciv) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-09-26 07:25:18 GMT

  1. Perl split function - use repeating characters as delimiter - [5/2]
  2. How do I take a reference to `sin`? - [5/1]
  3. How can I move PERLBREW_ROOT to another directory? - [5/1]
  4. Basic network chat app in Perl - [5/1]
  5. How best to parse/split a <div> based on <br /> tags - [4/1]
  6. How to preserve boolean type from YAML document in Perl 5? - [4/1]
  7. Why won't my perl daemon print? - [3/1]
  8. How to efficiently apply a regex substitution on a Moose attribute? - [3/2]
  9. I installed a module successfully with CPAN, but perl can't find it. Why? - [3/1]
  10. Perl 5.23.3 vs 5.22.0 sub call - [3/2]

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