
1 ago 2015

(xxxix) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Date Votes
1 Archive::Zip 1.49 2015-07-31 24
2 Catalyst::Runtime 5.90097 2015-07-28 121
3 DBIx::Class::Helpers 2.031000 2015-07-25 32
4 Daemon::Control 0.001007 2015-07-27 30
5 Encode 2.76 2015-07-31 37
6 Future 0.33 2015-07-29 24
7 Git::Repository 1.315 2015-07-29 20
8 HTTP::BrowserDetect 2.05 2015-07-29 19
9 IO::Async 0.68 2015-07-31 23
10 Moose 2.1600 2015-07-31 238
11 SOAP::Lite 1.17 2015-07-31 15
12 Test::Spec 0.51 2015-07-27 13
13 YAML::Tiny 1.69 2015-07-26 21
14 App::cpanoutdated 0.29 2015-07-28 25

2 comentarios:

  1. There is an error in this report. #14 should be App::cpanoutdated instead of "cpan::outdated" that doesn't exist.


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