
14 ago 2015

(cxcviii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-08-14 17:47:52 GMT

  1. Preventing cyclic reference memory leaks in Perl - [7/1]
  2. Printing to a file vs printing to shell in Perl - [5/1]
  3. Use of reference to elements in @_ to avoid duplicating code - [4/2]
  4. When modifying $_ can be wrong? - [4/3]
  5. Perl6: getc in raw mode - [4/0]
  6. restrict perl to do memory allocation from a fixed range of memory - [3/1]
  7. Replace some diacritics with perl regex - [3/1]
  8. Overloading '=' in Perl - [3/2]
  9. Why does a Perl script run during boot on CentOS not find certain modules? - [3/1]
  10. Exiting a secondary Perl script and returning to the main program - [3/1]

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