
29 ago 2015

(cc) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-08-29 06:39:40 GMT

  1. Why perl regex '*?' stay greedy? - [7/4]
  2. Perl `$[`, why base 42? - [4/1]
  3. How to match language specific chars in a regex? - [4/1]
  4. Parse Output of Command into Variable LIVE (Network Traffic Monitoring) - [3/1]
  5. Use of 'local' keyword in if statement - [3/2]
  6. Umlaut character not accepted via keyboard (codepage 65001, UTF-8) to be read by perl script - [3/0]
  7. Utf8 character set encoding error while data insertion using perl script - [2/1]
  8. Creating ZIP archive and files for it the same time with Perl - [2/1]
  9. Search for multiple terms in perl - [2/1]
  10. i3blocks battery script, using font awesome doesn't work with some unicodes - [2/1]

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