27 jun 2015

(xxxiv) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Date Votes
1 App::cpanminus 1.7038 2015-06-23 204
2 CGI 4.21 2015-06-22 24
3 CPAN::Changes 0.400002 2015-06-21 19
4 Class::Load 0.23 2015-06-25 29
5 DateTime::TimeZone 1.92 2015-06-22 14
6 Devel::Confess 0.008000 2015-06-26 17
7 EV 4.20 2015-06-20 19
8 Encode 2.74 2015-06-25 36
9 HTML::FormHandler 0.40062 2015-06-26 35
10 HTTP::BrowserDetect 2.04 2015-06-25 18
11 Module::CoreList 5.20150620 2015-06-21 21
12 MooX::Types::MooseLike 0.29 2015-06-26 17
13 Net::SSLeay 1.70 2015-06-25 12
14 Test::Deep 0.117 2015-06-22 31
15 Tickit 0.53 2015-06-27 13
16 URI 1.68 2015-06-26 73
17 autodie 2.28 2015-06-22 49

(clxvi) metacpan weekly report - Mojolicious & Moose

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 123
Week's winners (+3): Mojolicious, Moose
Build date: 2015/06/27 13:37:54 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

(cxci) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-06-27 13:32:54 GMT

  1. How can I use Perl default array variable @_ with push? - [7/1]
  2. How to handle hash value type in Perl XS - [5/1]
  3. Which features of perl make it a functional programming language? - [4/1]
  4. Override die in Perl and still return correct exit code on Windows - [4/1]
  5. Why is it "very bad practice" to override new when using Moose? - [4/1]
  6. How to implement the "JS's require" function in the perl's JE engine? - [3/2]
  7. is it possible to apply sprintf to format a HERE DOCUMENT string? - [3/4]
  8. Weak References in Perl - [3/2]
  9. Display information from a csv-datei on a html-page without webserver - [3/2]
  10. Perl DBI Connection Inconsistencies - [3/2]

20 jun 2015

(xxxiii) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Date Votes
1 Amon2 6.12 2015-06-17 19
2 App::cpanminus 1.7037 2015-06-18 203
3 Archive::Zip 1.48 2015-06-18 23
4 DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler 0.002216 2015-06-14 14
5 DBM::Deep 2.0012 2015-06-17 18
6 Getopt::Long 2.47 2015-06-16 67
7 HTTP::BrowserDetect 2.03 2015-06-19 18
8 Log::Dispatch 2.45 2015-06-14 34
9 Mojo::Pg 2.07 2015-06-17 32
10 Mojolicious 6.12 2015-06-18 269
11 Plack 1.0037 2015-06-19 172
12 RapidApp 1.0502 2015-06-17 17
13 Rex 1.3.2 2015-06-18 41
14 Text::CSV_XS 1.19 2015-06-17 55
15 WWW::YouTube::Download 0.58 2015-06-17 13
16 mod_perl 2.0.9 2015-06-18 13

(clxv) metacpan weekly report - Validator::LIVR

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 102
Week's winner (+3): Validator::LIVR
Build date: 2015/06/20 08:36:11 GMT

Clicked for first time:

Increasing its reputation:

(cxc) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-06-20 08:11:37 GMT

  1. Moose coercion to file-permission octal value - [3/1]
  2. Version-dependent fallback code - [3/2]
  3. Perl would I use fc over uc? - [3/1]
  4. Perl - Hash and the => operator - [3/2]
  5. Perl: can you make a "use"d module or setting apply to the including script? - [3/1]
  6. Accessing parent level using Data::Visitor::Callback (Perl) - [2/1]
  7. Can't figure out the format this file is expecting to read - [2/1]
  8. Find numbers in a file and change their value with perl - [2/2]
  9. Check for decimal point and add it at the end if its not there using awk/perl - [2/3]
  10. Reading from DATA file handle - [2/2]

13 jun 2015

(xxxii) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Date Votes
1 CHI 0.60 2015-06-07 38
2 CPAN::Meta 2.150005 2015-06-10 17
3 Coro 6.43 2015-06-07 34
4 CryptX 0.023 2015-06-10 14
5 DBD::SQLite 1.48 2015-06-11 59
6 Dancer 1.3138 2015-06-12 132
7 Data::Dump 1.23 2015-06-09 24
8 Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git 2.035 2015-06-06 35
9 Exporter 5.72 2015-06-09 15
10 Gazelle 0.25 2015-06-12 16
11 List::MoreUtils 0.413 2015-06-10 93
12 Module::Build 0.4214 2015-06-11 27
13 Mojo::Pg 2.06 2015-06-07 32
14 Moose 2.1405 2015-06-06 234
15 Net::GitHub 0.77 2015-06-07 20
16 Params::Validate 1.19 2015-06-13 22
17 Pinto 0.09998 2015-06-10 49
18 Raisin 0.62 2015-06-11 16
19 Rex 1.3.1 2015-06-08 41
20 Spreadsheet::Read 0.61 2015-06-13 15
21 Test::Class 0.50 2015-06-07 12
22 autodie 2.27 2015-06-10 49
23 namespace::autoclean 0.26 2015-06-07 18

(clxiv) metacpan weekly report - Mojo::Pg

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 95
Week's winner: Mojo::Pg (+4)
Build date: 2015/06/13 20:51:32 GMT

Clicked for first time:

Increasing its reputation:

(clxxxix) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-06-13 20:13:47 GMT

  1. How to change match modifier within a program in perl? - [5/0]
  2. Perl error: not a reference - [5/2]
  3. Perl SV value from pointer without copy - [4/1]
  4. XML::Twig - set_text without clobbering structure - [4/2]
  5. Perl: string Index function or regex - which is better and when? - [3/3]
  6. How can I print a table with multi-line strings using the Text::Table module? - [3/1]
  7. CPAN module prereqs - [3/1]
  8. Monitoring a Directory for New Sub Directories - [3/1]
  9. Do Mojolicious and Moose play well together? - [3/1]
  10. perl: substitute pattern with pattern of different size - [3/3]

6 jun 2015

(xxxi) CPAN great modules released last week

This is a list of great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

# CPAN module Version Date Votes
1 Alien::Base 0.019 2015-06-06 12
2 App::cpanminus 1.7036 2015-06-06 203
3 DBIx::Class::Candy 0.004000 2015-06-05 17
4 Dancer2 0.160003 2015-06-06 50
5 DateTime 1.19 2015-05-31 147
6 Dist::Zilla 5.037 2015-06-05 139
7 Getopt::Long 2.46 2015-06-02 67
8 IO::Async 0.67 2015-06-01 22
9 IO::Socket::SSL 2.016 2015-06-02 23
10 Mango 1.18 2015-06-04 39
11 Markdent 0.26 2015-05-31 15
12 Module::CoreList 5.20150520 2015-06-01 22
13 MongoDB v0.708.2.0 2015-06-05 38
14 Moose 2.1405 2015-06-06 233
15 MooseX::Declare 0.42 2015-06-04 20
16 Net::SSLeay 1.68 2015-06-03 12
17 PDL 2.011 2015-06-02 21
18 POE 1.367 2015-06-03 34
19 Plack 1.0036 2015-06-03 172
20 RapidApp 1.0500 2015-06-05 17
21 Server::Starter 0.30 2015-06-05 17
22 Starman 0.4014 2015-06-03 81
23 Test::Exception 0.40 2015-06-06 27
24 WWW::Mechanize 1.75 2015-06-03 61
25 namespace::autoclean 0.25 2015-06-03 18
26 perl 5.022000 2015-06-01 252

(clxiii) metacpan weekly report: perl

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 132

Week's winner: perl (+9)

Build date: 2015/06/06 18:33:49 GMT

Clicked for first time:

Increasing its reputation:

(clxxxviii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2015-06-06 18:21:02 GMT

  1. What does s/\G /0/g mean? - [5/2]
  2. Is my eval wrong or do I not understand eq vs == in Perl - [4/5]
  3. Removing all variations of quotes and apostrophes using Perl regex - [4/1]
  4. Loading a specific version of a perl module - [4/1]
  5. Passing arguments to a perl package while using it - [4/3]
  6. Build tree-like hash (YAML) from a complex database extraction (SQL)? - [4/0]
  7. Perl creates objects very slowly - [3/2]
  8. Why does my first hash value disappear in Perl? - [3/2]
  9. Improve Python code performance - [3/3]
  10. Not able to unzip a file downloaded through FTP get() in Perl - [3/2]