
28 jun 2014

(cxxxix) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-06-28 19:55:48 GMT

  1. Perl - extract series of numbers with offsets from array - [5/2]
  2. Odd string parsing with double colons in Perl - [4/3]
  3. perl mocking is there a way to mock $? - [4/1]
  4. Side-effect of Perl's print function - [4/1]
  5. Perl for loop for multiple ranges - [3/4]
  6. perl parsing files for multiple strings - [3/3]
  7. Perl hmac sha256 different than PHP's using pack - [3/0]
  8. Wait for the child process to complete in system command in perl - [3/2]
  9. How can I get the path of a module dynamically? - [3/1]
  10. Perl perform a pgrep with count line - [3/1]

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