30 ene 2014

(xciii) metacpan weekly report - Moo::Lax

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 169

Week's winner: Moo::Lax (+4)

Build date: 2014/01/30 14:18:25 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

24 ene 2014

(xcii) metacpan weekly report - perl

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 129

Week's winner: perl (+4)

Build date: 2014/01/24 06:27:55 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

16 ene 2014

(xci) metacpan weekly report - DBIx::Class

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 84

Week's winner: DBIx::Class (+3)

Build date: 2014/01/16 18:54:42 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

11 ene 2014

(xc) metacpan weekly report - Devel::hdb & Mojolicious

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 221

Week's winners (+4): Devel::hdb, Mojolicious

Build date: 2014/01/11 13:57:17 GMT

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Increasing its reputation:

1 ene 2014

10 best perl distributions created at 2013 (metacpan rating)

This list contains distributions created at 2013:

  1. Path::Tiny (+43)
  2. Type::Tiny (+38)
  3. Devel::hdb (+29)
  4. Carton (+28)
  5. Reply (+28)
  6. Dancer2 (+22)
  7. Kelp (+22)
  8. App::cpanminus::reporter (+19)
  9. Moops (+16)
  10. Path::Iterator::Rule (+12)

20 best Perl questions at stackoverflow in 2013

This is the 20 most rated questions at Stack Overflow in 2013.
Between brackets: question score & answers count
Built date: 2014/01/01 09:14:04 GMT

  1. Sum of 1 to 1,000,000,000 - [162/36]
  2. "vertical" regex matching in an ASCII "image" - [34/6]
  3. Perl 5.20 and the fate of SmartMatch and Given/When? - [29/3]
  4. "48" appearing in JavaScript code instead of "$(" - [23/3]
  5. Perl regex - Is (x|y)* equivalent to [xy]*? - [22/2]
  6. Perl: difference between $var = 500 and $var = '500' - [22/10]
  7. Is "my" a function in Perl? - [21/2]
  8. Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Stream losing its parser - [20/1]
  9. Why does (.*)* make two matches and select nothing in group $1? - [19/1]
  10. Should you use '||' or lower precedence 'or' when reporting an error in Perl? - [15/2]
  11. What criteria should I use to evaluate a Perl "app server" (mod_perl replacement)? - [15/3]
  12. Trying to understand Perl sorting the result of a function - [15/2]
  13. Is there any difference between "standard" and block package declaration? - [15/5]
  14. How to access groups captured by recursive perl regexes? - [15/2]
  15. What are the pros and cons about declaring package version methods in Perl? - [15/3]
  16. What is the difference between -> and :: in Perl - [15/3]
  17. Forcing a list context in Perl - [14/3]
  18. Explain this perl code which displays common lines in 2 files - [14/2]
  19. Array element automatically set to undef won't change when aliased? - [14/2]
  20. Why is perl so afraid of "deep recursion"? - [14/3]

metacpan most voted distributions in 2013

This is the metacpan most voted distributions in 2013

  1. Mojolicious (+107)
  2. perl (+95)
  3. App::cpanminus (+81)
  4. Moo (+75)
  5. DBIx::Class (+74)
  6. DBI (+72)
  7. Moose (+72)
  8. Plack (+58)
  9. Dist::Zilla (+57)
  10. DateTime (+50)

This is the metacpan most voted distributions in 2013 group by month