This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 46
Week's winners (+3): Perl::Tidy
Build date: 2020/09/05 13:23:34 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Bio::Kmer - Helper module for Kmer Analysis.
- Config::INI::Tiny - Parse INI configuration in extremely little code
- D - Provides utility functions to encode data and dump it to STDERR.
- db::sql::migrations::advanced - apply/rollback migrations from a directory
- File::Hotfolder - recursive watch directory for new or modified files
- Hyperscan - Perl bindings to the Intel hyperscan regular expression library
- Log::Log4perl::Appender::SMTP - Send logs by email
- Pherkin::Extension::Weasel - Pherkin extension for web-testing
- RxPerl - an implementation of Reactive Extensions / rxjs for Perl
- XLog - Unified logging API, without performance penalties.
Increasing its reputation:
- Algorithm::LibLinear (+1=5)
- Alien (+1=3)
- App::cpanminus (+1=255)
- App::MyPerl (+1=6)
- Array::Shuffle (+1=5)
- B::Hooks::Parser (+1=4)
- Capture::Tiny (+1=93)
- Cassandra::Client (+1=3)
- CPAN::Meta (+1=23)
- CPAN::Uploader (+1=19)
- Dancer2 (+1=116)
- DBD::SQLite (+1=92)
- Devel::IPerl (+1=17)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=167)
- Expect (+1=22)
- FindBin::libs (+1=7)
- Gazelle (+1=23)
- GDB::bt (+2=2)
- Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic (+1=5)
- JSON (+1=91)
- Mite (+1=3)
- Mojolicious (+1=432)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=37)
- Moo (+1=275)
- Perl::Tidy (+3=119)
- Regexp::Debugger (+1=52)
- Scope::Upper (+1=12)
- Task::Kensho (+1=107)
- Test::Simple (+1=170)
- Text::Tabs+Wrap (+1=14)
- Text::Template (+1=22)
- Web::Simple (+1=26)
- YAML::LibYAML (+1=44)
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