Week's winners (+3): Statistics::Basic
Build date: 2020/04/18 20:05:10 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP - reversehttp for AnyEvent
- CGI::Builder - Framework to build simple or complex web-apps
- Corona - Coro based PSGI web server
- D - Provides utility functions to encode data and dump it to STDERR.
- Docker::Names::Random - Create random strings like Docker does for container names.
- Form::Toolkit - Data centric form(s) toolkit
- Gantry - Web application framework for mod_perl, cgi, etc.
- HTTP::Engine - Web Server Gateway Interface and HTTP Server Engine Drivers
- Interpolation - Arbitrary string interpolation semantics (using tie())
- Jifty - an application framework
- Mojo::Log::Role::Color - Add colors to your mojo logs
- Object::Properties - minimal-ceremony class builder
- Object::Sub - Create objects without those pesky classes
- SCGI - SCGI server library for perl
- Test::Command - Test routines for external commands
- Test::DBUnit - Database test framework
- XS::Object::Magic - Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic
Increasing its reputation:
- (+1=0)
- accessors (+1=4)
- AnyEvent::HTTPD (+1=5)
- App::cpm (+1=47)
- CGI (+2=38)
- CGI::Alternatives (+1=7)
- CGI::Application (+1=15)
- CGI::Ex (+1=4)
- Class::Prototyped (+1=3)
- Clownfish (+1=3)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=34)
- Const::Fast (+1=30)
- CryptX (+1=42)
- Dancer2 (+1=114)
- DBI (+1=244)
- Device::WebIO (+1=5)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=172)
- Embperl (+1=2)
- Eval::WithLexicals (+1=5)
- File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir (+1=4)
- Filter::Crypto (+1=8)
- Gitalist (+1=4)
- Github::Backup (+1=3)
- Hash::Util::Merge (+1=2)
- HTTP::AnyUA (+1=2)
- HTTP::Message (+1=59)
- KiokuDB (+1=10)
- Mason (+1=23)
- Menlo (+1=13)
- Mo (+1=36)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=53)
- Mojolicious (+2=422)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Kavorka (+1=3)
- MooseX::YAML (+1=2)
- MooX::Role::JSON_LD (+1=3)
- Object::Enum (+1=2)
- Object::Util (+1=10)
- Path::Tiny (+1=148)
- perl (+1=357)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=31)
- Poet (+1=11)
- SQL::Functional (+1=9)
- Statistics::Basic (+3=10)
- Sys::Mmap (+1=2)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=127)
- TUWF (+1=2)
- UNIVERSAL::Object (+1=11)
- Wasm (+1=2)
- XXX (+1=11)
- YAML (+1=63)
- Yancy (+1=31)
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