21 abr 2019

(ccclxxxix) stackoverflow perl report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2019-04-20 22:05:16 GMT

  1. array elements gets deleted when looping files - [5/2]
  2. Perl RegEx: meaning of "??" - [5/2]
  3. Perl switch/case Fails on Literal Regex String Containing Non-Capturing Group '?' - [4/2]
  4. How can I force exiting a perl subroutine/closure via last/next to fail the program automatically? - [4/2]
  5. Perl Regular exression | how to exclude words from a file - [3/4]
  6. How to replace consecutive and identical characters in Perl? - [3/3]
  7. Weird environment variables that aren't in Perl's ENV hash - [3/3]
  8. SSL connection fails when stalled every ~5s - [3/0]
  9. Perl output successive string from array - [2/4]
  10. RegEx word performance: \w vs [a-zA-Z0-9_] - [2/3]

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