Week's winner: Mojolicious (+3)
Build date: 2016/07/24 15:28:01 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::DH - Deploy your DBIx::Class Schema to DDL/Database via DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler
- Bio::ToolBox - Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data
- Catalyst::Model::HTMLFormhandler - Proxy a directory of HTML::Formhandler forms
- Catalyst::Plugin::URI - Sugar and strong errors for $c->uri_for
- DBIx::Mojo::Template - Render SQL statements templates by Mojo::Template
- IPv6::Address - IPv6 Address Manipulation Library
- IRC::Bot - Channel Maintenance IRC bot.
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI - from DBI tables does generate routes, make authentication and make restrict access (authorization) to requests. Plugin makes an auth operations throught the plugin Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication and OAuth2 by Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2.
- ReadonlyX - Faster facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- Redis::Cluster - Redis Cluster client for Perl
- Rex::Test::Spec - Write Rex::Test like RSpec!
Increasing its reputation:
- Amon2 (+1=21)
- App::Cmd (+1=28)
- Bot::BasicBot (+1=12)
- Business::CreditCard (+1=3)
- Catalyst::Action::REST (+1=16)
- CPAN::Mirror::Tiny (+1=2)
- Data::Dumper (+1=74)
- Data::GUID (+1=6)
- DBI (+1=198)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=36)
- DBIx::RetryConnect (+1=2)
- DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper (+1=2)
- DBIx::Simple (+1=26)
- FFI::Platypus (+1=22)
- HTML::FormHandler (+1=37)
- HTML::MyHTML (+1=2)
- HTTP::Proxy (+1=3)
- Interchange6::Schema (+1=3)
- IO::Socket::IP (+1=12)
- IPC::Shareable (+1=2)
- Kavorka (+1=25)
- Kelp (+1=29)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=4)
- Log::Dispatch (+1=35)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=55)
- Mail::SpamAssassin (+1=5)
- MIDI::Perl (+1=5)
- Minion::Backend::SQLite (+1=3)
- Minion::Backend::Storable (+1=2)
- Module::Find (+1=8)
- Mojolicious (+3=314)
- Moo (+1=211)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=56)
- Params::Validate (+1=28)
- Path::Tiny (+2=109)
- POE::Component::IRC (+1=11)
- Proc::Daemon (+1=13)
- Reply (+1=48)
- Role::Tiny (+1=36)
- System::Command (+1=14)
- Test::Power (+1=3)
- Test::Synopsis::Expectation (+1=5)
- Text::Xslate (+1=52)
- TOML (+1=6)
- TOML::Parser (+1=4)
- Try::Tiny (+1=135)
- Type::Tiny (+1=86)
- Type::Tiny::XS (+1=7)
- Verilog::Perl (+1=3)
- Web::Query (+1=26)
- XML::Hash::LX (+1=2)
- XML::Loy (+1=5)
- XSLoader (+1=3)
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