Week's winners (+4): Coro
Build date: 2016/07/02 14:58:27 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Algorithm::Easing - Calculate eased translations between two positive whole integer values over time
- Amazon::CloudFront::Thin - A thin, lightweight, low-level Amazon CloudFront client
- DBIx::Simple::Concrete - monkey-patch DBIx::Simple to use SQL::Concrete
- InfluxDB - Client library for InfluxDB
- Interchange6::Currency - Currency objects for Interchange 6
- String::Normal - Just another normal form string transformer.
- TAP::Tree - TAP (Test Anything Protocol) parser which supported the subtest
- Test2::Suite - Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework.
- Tk::Wizard - GUI for step-by-step interactive logical process
- Valiemon - data validator based on json schema
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=98)
- App::cpanminus (+1=210)
- App::DBCritic (+1=4)
- App::ModuleBuildTiny (+1=5)
- Carton (+1=68)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=127)
- Class::Load (+1=31)
- Coro (+3=43)
- CSS::Sass (+1=8)
- Dancer (+1=139)
- Dancer2 (+1=74)
- DateTime::Format::Flexible (+1=11)
- DBD::mysql (+1=38)
- DBIx::Class (+1=235)
- Digest::MD5 (+1=25)
- Digest::SHA (+1=16)
- Dios (+1=5)
- Dist::Milla (+1=22)
- End (+1=2)
- Fey::ORM (+1=6)
- Finance::Bitcoin (+1=3)
- Forks::Super (+1=4)
- Function::Parameters (+1=30)
- Geo::Parser::Text (+2=2)
- Guard (+2=17)
- Import::Into (+1=27)
- Kavorka (+1=24)
- Keyword::Declare (+1=3)
- libwww::perl (+1=125)
- Measure::Everything (+1=4)
- Modern::Perl (+1=36)
- Mojo::SQLite (+1=10)
- Mojolicious (+3=313)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=34)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory (+1=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ErrorsAndWarnings (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (+1=2)
- MongoDB (+3=74)
- Moo (+2=210)
- Moose (+1=254)
- MooseX::Aliases (+1=8)
- MooseX::UndefTolerant (+1=6)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=22)
- Number::Phone (+1=6)
- Object::InsideOut (+1=2)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+2=54)
- perl (+1=281)
- perl5i (+1=27)
- PerlX::MethodCallWithBlock (+1=6)
- Plack::Middleware::Assets (+1=4)
- Quote::Code (+1=4)
- RapidApp (+1=22)
- Reply (+1=48)
- Rex (+1=47)
- Scope::Cleanup (+1=5)
- Scope::Escape (+1=4)
- Scope::Guard (+1=11)
- Scope::Upper (+1=10)
- Set::Scalar (+1=9)
- Specio (+1=3)
- Starman (+1=85)
- Sub::Metadata (+2=3)
- Sub::Name (+1=22)
- Syntax::Keyword::Junction (+1=10)
- TAP::Formatter::JUnit (+1=5)
- TAP::Harness::JUnit (+1=5)
- Task::Catalyst (+1=9)
- Task::Moose (+1=3)
- Test::MockTime (+1=7)
- Test::Needs (+1=5)
- Test::Simple (+1=131)
- Test::Stream (+1=10)
- Tk (+1=14)
- Tk::Pod (+1=5)
- URI (+1=78)
- Win32::Job (+1=2)
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