Week's winner (+3): Date::Pregnancy
Build date: 2016/02/19 18:17:27 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Catmandu::Solr - Catmandu modules for working with solr endpoints
- Crypt::XTEA::LE - Implementation of the eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm
- Export::Attrs - The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
- Google::API::Client - A client for Google APIs Discovery Service
- Math::BigNum - Arbitrary size precision for integers, rationals and floating-point numbers
- OCS::Client - simple interface to OCS's SOAP API
- Scientist - Perl module inspired by https://github.com/github/scientist
- Search::OpenSearch - provide search results in OpenSearch format
- Statistics::Frequency - simple counting of elements
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=92)
- Aniki (+1=2)
- App::GitGerrit (+1=3)
- App::HTTPThis (+1=16)
- B::C (+1=8)
- Bot::Backbone (+1=2)
- BSON (+1=5)
- Cache::Cache (+1=3)
- CAM::PDF (+1=7)
- Code::TidyAll (+1=24)
- Dancer::Plugin::Swagger (+1=3)
- Data::Printer (+1=99)
- Date::Pregnancy (+3=3)
- DateTime::Format::Duration (+1=3)
- DateTime::Format::Strptime (+1=15)
- DateTime::Format::W3CDTF (+1=5)
- DBI (+1=193)
- Devel::REPL (+1=49)
- Exporter::Lite (+1=6)
- Function::Parameters (+1=30)
- Git::Hooks (+1=7)
- Imager (+1=52)
- IPC::Cmd (+1=13)
- libwww::perl (+1=118)
- Lucy (+1=15)
- Marpa::R2 (+1=38)
- Math::Round (+1=12)
- MCE (+1=41)
- Module::Load (+1=20)
- Mojolicious (+1=294)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory (+1=2)
- MongoDB (+1=62)
- Moo (+2=204)
- MooX::Cmd (+1=7)
- Net::OpenSSH (+1=21)
- Parallel::Prefork (+1=13)
- Perl::Critic::Freenode (+1=4)
- podlinkcheck (+1=2)
- Selenium::Remote::Driver (+1=30)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (+1=25)
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (+1=19)
- Task::Kensho (+1=63)
- Test::Class (+1=13)
- Test::Synopsis (+1=6)
- Try::Catch (+1=5)
- Type::Tiny (+1=82)
- UNIVERSAL::new (+1=5)
- URI (+1=75)
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