Week's winner: Mojolicious (+3)
Build date: 2015/11/22 08:40:29 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::wdq - command line access to Wikidata Query Service
- Bloom::Faster - Perl extension for the c library libbloom.
- DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency - Auto-create Data::Currency objects from columns.
- HTTP::AcceptLanguage - Accept-Language header parser and find available language
- Mercury - A message broker for WebSockets
- MooseX::TypeMap - A type-constraint-to-data map
- Perl::Critic::Freenode - Perl::Critic policies inspired by #perl on freenode IRC
- System::Daemon - Toolkit for correct daemonization
Increasing its reputation:
- AnyEvent (+1=104)
- AnyEvent::AIO (+1=4)
- App::perlbrew (+1=137)
- App::SerializeUtils (+1=3)
- Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny (+1=2)
- Dancer (+1=134)
- Dancer2 (+1=58)
- Data::Fake (+1=7)
- Data::Printer (+1=95)
- DBD::Pg (+1=49)
- DBIx::Class::Candy (+1=18)
- DBIx::Class::Helpers (+1=34)
- DBIx::Class::TimeStamp (+1=8)
- Devel::Cover (+1=68)
- Devel::MemoryTrace::Light (+1=2)
- Function::Parameters (+1=26)
- HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML (+1=6)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=73)
- Image::Scale (+1=4)
- IO::AIO (+1=6)
- Kavorka (+1=22)
- List::Objects::WithUtils (+1=8)
- LWPx::ParanoidAgent (+1=4)
- Mad::Mapper (+1=3)
- Minilla (+1=23)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=37)
- Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall (+1=9)
- Mojolicious (+3=290)
- Moo (+1=198)
- Net::SMPP (+1=2)
- Parallel::Prefork (+1=11)
- Path::Class (+1=73)
- perl (+1=267)
- Pithub (+1=17)
- Plack (+1=179)
- POD2::RU (+1=4)
- PPI (+1=34)
- Raisin (+1=17)
- Set::Object (+1=6)
- SQL::Script (+1=4)
- SQL::SplitStatement (+1=2)
- Syntax::Construct (+1=4)
- Test::Some (+1=2)
- Text::Levenshtein::XS (+1=4)
- Text::Unidecode (+1=19)
- Type::Tiny (+1=78)
- Type::Tiny::XS (+1=6)
- Types::XSD::Lite (+2=3)
- utf8::all (+1=23)
- XML::Simple (+1=26)
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