Week's winners (+3): Dancer2, POD2::ES
Build date: 2015/05/17 07:50:56 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- App::dateseq - Generate a sequence of dates
- Crypt::URandom - Provide non blocking randomness
- Format::LongNumber - Format long numbers to human readable view.
- Graphics::Framebuffer - A Simple Framebuffer Graphics Library
- Growl::NotifySend - Perl extention to do something
- Lingua::EN::Sentence - Split text into sentences
- Log::Simple::Color - Log messages with different color for console
- Narwhal - A command-line tool for FM synthesis and effects
- Petal::Tiny - super light TAL for Perl!
- Plack::Middleware::SignedCookies - accept only server-minted cookies
- RT::Extension::JSGantt - Gantt charts for your tickets
- RT::Extension::QuickUpdate - Adds an update box to ticket display
- Slurp - Slurp entire files into variables
- Unicode::Map -
- USPS::RateRequest - Ultra fast parallelized asyncronous USPS rate lookups.
- Web::Sitemap - Simple way to generate sitemap files with paging support
- WebService::Stripe - Stripe API bindings
- XML::Parser::Lite - Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
Increasing its reputation:
- App::fsql (+1=4)
- App::perlbrew (+1=135)
- autobox::Core (+1=14)
- Box::Calc (+1=8)
- Carton (+2=59)
- Dancer2 (+3=48)
- Data::Dumper (+1=67)
- DBI (+1=179)
- DBIx::Class::Candy (+1=17)
- DestructAssign (+1=2)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=120)
- Dist::Milla (+1=20)
- File::Slurper (+1=12)
- Git::Repository (+1=19)
- Hash::Ordered (+2=20)
- Hook::LexWrap (+1=3)
- HTML::FromANSI (+1=3)
- Import::Into (+1=23)
- IO::All (+1=49)
- IPC::Run (+1=16)
- JSPL (+1=4)
- Juno (+1=3)
- Kossy (+1=4)
- latest (+1=3)
- lib (+1=2)
- lib::projectroot (+1=3)
- libnet (+1=14)
- libxml::perl (+1=2)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=93)
- List::UtilsBy (+1=11)
- Method::Signatures (+1=28)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=35)
- Module::Starter (+1=19)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=29)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::BootstrapHelpers (+1=3)
- MongoDB (+1=37)
- Moops (+1=37)
- Net::Server (+1=16)
- Object::Tiny::XS (+1=3)
- perl (+2=246)
- Perl::Build (+1=8)
- Perl::PrereqScanner::Lite (+1=6)
- Perl::Tidy (+2=77)
- Pinto (+1=49)
- POD2::ES (+3=6)
- POD2::FR (+1=3)
- POD2::IT (+1=4)
- POD2::PT_BR (+1=3)
- POD2::RU (+1=4)
- Raisin (+1=15)
- Reflex (+1=11)
- Regexp::Common::time (+1=5)
- Rex::Inline (+1=5)
- Riji (+1=3)
- Rose::DB::Object (+1=16)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (+1=22)
- Template::Plugin::Comma (+1=2)
- Test::Mojo::WithRoles (+1=2)
- Test::Subunits (+1=3)
- V (+1=3)
- WebService::Client (+1=4)
- Weixin::Client (+1=4)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=60)
- WWW::Session (+1=2)
- XML::Hash::XS (+1=5)
- YAPE::Regex (+1=2)
- YAPE::Regex::Explain (+1=6)
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