Week's winners (+3): Hash::Ordered
Build date: 2015/05/09 06:38:57 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::Debounce - condense multiple temporally-nearby events into one
- autolocale - auto call setlocale() when set $ENV{"LANG"}
- Beam::Emitter - Role for event emitting classes
- Catalyst::View::Mason2 - Mason 2.x view class
- Check::ISA - DWIM, correct checking of an object's class
- Clustericious::Admin - Simple parallel ssh client.
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::OAuth - OAuth for your Dancer2 app
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BundleInspector - Gather prereq and config info from PluginBundles
- Gedcom - Interface to genealogy GEDCOM files
- LWP::UserAgent::Paranoid - A modern LWPx::ParanoidAgent for safer requests
- Math::Permute::Lists - Generate all the permutations of zero or more nested lists.
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Util::RandomString - Generate Secure Random Strings for Mojolicious
- MooX::Lsub - Very shorthand syntax for bulk lazy builders
- Rex::Group::Lookup::Nagios - read hostnames and groups from a Nagios config
- Run - Perl extension for to start programs in background
- Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved - Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures
- Template::Plugin::DateTime::Format - format DateTime objects from inside TT with DateTime::Format-style formatters
- Tie::FileSystem - Access file system via a Perl hash
- XML::WB - Convert between XML and WBXML using libwbxml2
- YAHC - Yet another HTTP client
- YAPE::HTML - Yet Another Parser/Extractor for HTML
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=89)
- App::cpanminus (+2=198)
- App::Midgen (+1=8)
- App::ModuleBuildTiny (+1=3)
- App::perlbrew (+1=135)
- App::screenorama (+1=3)
- autodie (+1=48)
- autovivification (+1=15)
- Bread::Board (+1=23)
- Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema (+1=15)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles (+1=9)
- Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache (+1=3)
- common::sense (+1=9)
- Config::Properties (+1=3)
- Cookie::Baker (+1=3)
- Dancer (+1=131)
- Data::Page (+1=8)
- Data::Printer (+1=88)
- Data::Table (+1=13)
- DBI (+2=178)
- DBIx::Class (+1=209)
- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler (+1=14)
- Devel::Assert (+1=3)
- Devel::FindRef (+1=5)
- Digest::MurmurHash (+1=3)
- Dist::Surveyor (+1=4)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Web (+1=2)
- Encode (+1=36)
- Exporter::Tiny (+1=13)
- Farabi (+1=23)
- File::chdir (+1=17)
- File::chmod (+1=3)
- File::Path (+1=32)
- File::Serialize (+1=6)
- File::Slurp (+1=58)
- File::Slurp::Tiny (+1=16)
- Guard (+2=14)
- Hash::Ordered (+3=19)
- Import::Base (+1=8)
- IO (+1=32)
- IO::Socket::IP (+1=11)
- IPC::System::Simple (+1=18)
- JSON (+1=63)
- libnet (+1=14)
- Lingua::EN::Inflect (+1=6)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=92)
- Marpa::R2 (+1=34)
- Mason (+1=15)
- Math::Round (+1=11)
- MCE (+2=33)
- MetaCPAN::API (+1=24)
- Mojo::JWT (+1=3)
- Mojolicious (+1=264)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+1=28)
- MooseX::Storage (+1=14)
- Net::SNMP (+1=5)
- Package::Stash (+1=17)
- Path::Tiny (+1=77)
- perl (+1=244)
- perl5i (+1=24)
- Perl::Critic (+1=70)
- Perl::PrereqScanner (+1=19)
- perlude::0.60 (+1=0)
- PerlX::Assert (+1=5)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=15)
- Pod::Text::Color::Delight (+1=5)
- Pod::Weaver (+1=26)
- Proc::CPUUsage (+1=2)
- Raisin (+1=14)
- Regexp::Common::time (+1=4)
- Rex (+1=40)
- Scope::Guard (+1=9)
- Server::Starter (+1=16)
- Session::Token (+1=10)
- Starman (+1=80)
- Statocles (+1=10)
- Strehler (+1=2)
- Task::Kensho (+1=54)
- Test::Subunits (+2=2)
- Test::Without::Module (+1=8)
- Test::Wrapper (+1=2)
- Text::CSV (+1=39)
- Unicode::UTF8 (+1=11)
- Vim::X (+1=6)
- XML::Simple (+1=22)
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