Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-11-07 18:07:26 GMT
- Trying to find the index of the first number in a string using perl - [4/3]
- Text::SpellChecker module and Unicode - [4/2]
- grep not performing very well on large files, is there an alternative? - [4/2]
- Translate one line of Perl to PHP - [4/2]
- Why is this regex returning more groups than it should? - [3/3]
- Error on running Inline::C - [3/1]
- Compile/Link error building BerkeleyDB on Windows 7 (64bit) with Perl64 - [3/0]
- Mojolicious dynamic route action depending on state - [3/0]
- Configure Dancer from environment variables? - [3/1]
- python 5x slower than perl mySql query - [3/2]
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