14 jun 2014

(cxxxvii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2014-06-14 18:35:50 GMT

  1. Why does perldoc evaluate 'Münster' as 'Muenster' - [13/1]
  2. Can I find out what Perl IO Layer(s) a given filehandle has? - [8/1]
  3. Perl, XML::Twig, how to reading field with the same tag - [6/3]
  4. So what exactly does <FILE> do? - [6/3]
  5. Notepadd++ and embedded perl - syntax highlight inside specific tag - [5/0]
  6. Perl pack()ing a message? - [4/1]
  7. perl constructor keyword 'new' - [4/2]
  8. DBIx::Class Get row from another table by ID - [4/2]
  9. Perform regular expression on a PERL PDL variable - [4/2]
  10. Is there a way to set an alarm for if runtime hits a certain time, notifies me, but the program keeps running - [4/1]

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