This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 175
Week's winners (+5): Moo, Moose
Build date: 2013/09/18 20:39:48 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::DRM
- Acme::FizzBuzz
- Acme::Lingua::NIGERIAN
- Acme::LOLCAT
- Acme::PGPSign
- Acme::Python
- Alien::Packages
- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client
- Class::Prototyped
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::podpreview
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Alien
- Dist::Zilla::Plugins::CJM
- EBook::MOBI
- HTML::String
- Iterator::Diamond
- List::BinarySearch
- List::BinarySearch::XS
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
- Log::Log4perl::NDC::Scoped
- Math::GMPz
- Mojolicious::Plugin::PPI
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SMS
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Toto
- MooseFS
- Object::Serializer
- Path::AttrRouter
- POSIX::2008
- Puppet::Tidy
- Redis::NaiveBayes
- Rex::Template::Mojo
- Smolder
- Test::LWP::Recorder
- Test::Power
- Text::Levenshtein::XS
- Text::Modify
- TPath
- WebService::Desk
- XML::RSS::Parser
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+2=65)
- Acme::LookOfDisapproval (+1=3)
- Alien::Base (+1=6)
- Amon2 (+1=13)
- AnyEvent (+2=56)
- AnyEvent::Digest (+1=2)
- AnyEvent::MultiDownload (+1=5)
- App::cpanminus (+3=136)
- App::perlbrew (+1=102)
- App::PodPreview (+1=2)
- Beam::Wire (+1=3)
- Block::NamedVar (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+1=85)
- CHI (+1=25)
- Config::Tiny (+1=13)
- CPAN (+1=18)
- CPAN::Mini (+2=15)
- cpan::outdated (+1=9)
- CryptX (+3=3)
- Dancer (+1=97)
- Data::Format::Pretty::Console (+1=4)
- Data::GUID (+1=2)
- Data::Printer (+1=50)
- Data::UUID (+2=11)
- DBD::mysql (+1=18)
- DBI (+1=121)
- DBIx::Class (+1=131)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=12)
- Devel::NYTProf (+2=79)
- Devel::PrettyTrace (+1=2)
- Devel::TraceUse (+1=7)
- dip (+1=3)
- Dist::Zilla (+1=90)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover (+1=8)
- ElasticSearch (+1=11)
- Encode (+1=24)
- enum (+1=3)
- Env::Path (+1=2)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (+1=14)
- experimental (+1=10)
- File::chmod (+1=2)
- File::Copy::Recursive (+1=4)
- GRID::Machine (+1=3)
- HTML::Parser (+1=20)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=31)
- Image::Size (+1=4)
- install (+1=3)
- IO::Async (+1=10)
- IPC::Run (+1=11)
- JSON::Tiny (+1=4)
- JSON::XS (+1=63)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=64)
- List::Objects::Types (+1=2)
- local::lib (+4=36)
- LWP::Protocol::socks (+1=2)
- Module::Runtime (+1=11)
- MogileFS::Server (+1=3)
- Mojolicious (+2=156)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack (+3=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::BrowserDetect (+1=2)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N (+1=2)
- MongoDB (+2=18)
- Moo (+5=109)
- Moose (+5=157)
- MooseX::Storage (+1=8)
- MooseX::Types (+1=27)
- Nagios::Plugin (+1=3)
- Net::IMAP::Client (+2=3)
- Net::SFTP::Foreign (+1=7)
- Padre (+2=28)
- Parallel::ForkManager (+1=19)
- Params::Lazy (+1=2)
- Parse::RPN (+1=2)
- perl (+2=142)
- Perl::Critic (+1=48)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=52)
- ph (+1=4)
- plenv (+1=4)
- POE (+1=24)
- Progress::Any (+1=2)
- Role::REST::Client (+1=5)
- Safe::Isa (+1=8)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+3=67)
- Storable (+1=20)
- String::CityHash (+1=3)
- String::Trim (+1=5)
- Sub::Install (+1=10)
- System::Command (+1=6)
- Template::Toolkit (+1=62)
- Test::Harness (+1=23)
- Test::LongString (+1=3)
- Test::Mocha (+2=4)
- Test::Requires (+1=9)
- Test::Simple (+1=81)
- Test::WWW::Mechanize (+1=14)
- Test::WWW::Selenium (+1=7)
- Type::Tie (+1=2)
- Type::Tiny (+1=32)
- Unicode::UTF8 (+1=5)
- Web::Hippie (+1=2)
- WebService::HabitRPG (+1=3)
- WebService::Idonethis (+1=4)
- Win32::Console::ANSI (+1=3)
- WWW::Mechanize::Firefox (+1=10)
- Wx (+1=11)
- Wx::Demo (+1=3)
- Wx::Scintilla (+1=5)
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