This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 302
Week's winner: App::cpanminus (+8)
Build date: 2013/09/11 18:59:04 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- AnyEvent::Digest
- App::Sv
- Catalyst::ActionRole::RequireSSL
- Catalyst::View::Spreadsheet::Template
- Catalyst::View::Xslate
- Catmandu::RDF
- CGI::Cookie::XS
- Class::Tiny::Antlers
- Compress::LZF
- Config::Environment
- CSS::Tiny
- Data::Maker
- Digest::SHA3
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Subversion
- Error::Tiny
- Exporter::Tiny
- Forks::Super
- Gideon
- HTTP::Throwable
- List::Objects::Types
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DBViewer
- Mojolicious::Plugin::INIConfig
- Mojolicious::Plugin::PgAsync
- MojoX::Log::Log4perl
- MongoDBI
- MooseX::Storage::DBIC
- MooseX::Storage::Format::JSONpm
- MooseX::Storage::Format::XML::Simple
- Object::Simple
- PerlX::Maybe::XS
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::W3CValidate
- Plack::Middleware::Profiler::KYTProf
- Plack::Middleware::Profiler::NYTProf
- Progress::Any
- RT::Client::REST
- SQL::Script
- Template::Plugin::HTML::Strip
- Template::Plugin::Tooltip
- Term::ReadLine::Perl5
- Test::Ika
- Test::XT
- Tie::Restore
- Type::Tie
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (+1=63)
- Action::Retry (+1=4)
- AnyEvent (+2=54)
- AnyEvent::MultiDownload (+4=4)
- App::cpanminus (+8=133)
- App::cpanminus::reporter (+2=19)
- App::FatPacker (+1=14)
- App::HTTPThis (+1=7)
- App::mojopaste (+3=3)
- App::perlbrew (+1=101)
- App::pmuninstall (+1=23)
- Ask (+1=2)
- autodie (+2=35)
- autovivification (+2=7)
- Bundle::Theory (+1=2)
- C::TinyCompiler (+2=3)
- Carp (+2=26)
- Carp::Always (+2=22)
- Carton (+1=18)
- Catalyst::Action::REST (+1=10)
- Catalyst::Controller::LeakTracker (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Devel (+1=17)
- Catalyst::Manual (+2=29)
- Catalyst::Model::Adaptor (+1=5)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Session (+1=9)
- Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple (+1=3)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+2=84)
- Catmandu (+1=4)
- Class::Tiny (+1=4)
- Class::Trigger (+1=2)
- Code::TidyAll (+2=11)
- Config::Any (+1=7)
- Config::ZOMG (+1=4)
- Const::Fast (+1=11)
- Crypt::ScryptKDF (+1=2)
- Daemon::Control (+1=19)
- Data::Dumper (+3=36)
- Data::Faker (+1=3)
- Data::Format::Pretty::Console (+1=3)
- Data::ICal (+1=5)
- Data::Manager (+1=3)
- Data::Serializer (+1=2)
- Data::Verifier (+1=2)
- Data::Visitor (+1=3)
- DateTime (+3=100)
- DBD::SQLite (+2=37)
- DBI (+1=120)
- DBI::Shell (+1=3)
- DBIx::Class (+2=130)
- DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn (+1=5)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+1=11)
- DBIx::Config (+1=2)
- DBIx::Custom (+2=2)
- Devel::Cover (+1=40)
- Devel::FindRef (+1=4)
- Devel::KYTProf (+1=4)
- Devel::Leak::Object (+1=4)
- Devel::NYTProf (+1=77)
- Devel::REPL (+1=29)
- Devel::SizeMe (+1=7)
- Devel::TraceUse (+1=6)
- Digest (+1=3)
- Digest::MD5 (+1=14)
- Digest::SHA1 (+1=7)
- dip (+1=2)
- Dist::Milla (+1=8)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover (+1=7)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git (+2=27)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl (+1=4)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion (+1=6)
- Dumbbench (+2=7)
- Email::Valid (+2=17)
- Encode (+2=23)
- File::RandomLine (+1=2)
- File::Remove (+1=3)
- File::Rename (+1=3)
- File::ShareDir (+1=22)
- File::Temp (+2=31)
- Furl (+1=17)
- Galileo (+1=11)
- Gepok (+1=3)
- Getopt::Lucid (+1=5)
- Git::Repository (+1=13)
- Hash::MultiValue (+1=6)
- HTML::Parser (+2=20)
- HTTP::Body (+2=3)
- HTTP::Message (+1=31)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=30)
- IO::All (+2=24)
- IO::Async (+2=10)
- IPC::Cmd (+1=7)
- IPC::System::Simple (+1=11)
- JSON::XS (+1=62)
- Juno (+1=2)
- libwww::perl (+1=69)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=63)
- List::Objects::WithUtils (+1=2)
- Log::Contextual (+1=6)
- MetaCPAN::API (+1=20)
- MIME::Lite (+1=17)
- Mo (+1=20)
- Module::CPANfile (+1=17)
- Module::Path (+1=6)
- Module::Version (+1=7)
- Mojolicious (+2=154)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoRoute (+2=4)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::CSRFProtect (+2=5)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile (+1=5)
- Moo (+4=104)
- Moops (+2=13)
- Moose (+4=154)
- MooseX::Getopt (+1=16)
- MooseX::NonMoose (+1=9)
- MooseX::Storage (+1=7)
- MooseX::Types::Common (+1=7)
- MooX::ClassAttribute (+1=2)
- MooX::late (+1=7)
- MooX::Options (+1=8)
- Mouse (+1=27)
- Mozilla::CA (+1=7)
- namespace::autoclean (+1=9)
- Net::GitHub (+1=10)
- Net::SSLeay (+1=7)
- Net::Statsd::Client (+1=2)
- ORLite (+1=5)
- P5U (+1=2)
- parent (+2=14)
- Path::Class (+2=55)
- Path::Tiny (+1=27)
- perl (+4=141)
- Perl::Critic::Pulp (+1=2)
- Perl::MinimumVersion (+2=10)
- Perl::Tidy (+1=51)
- PerlX::Maybe (+1=10)
- Pinto (+1=24)
- Pithub (+2=11)
- Plack (+2=119)
- Plack::App::Proxy (+1=6)
- Plack::Middleware::Debug::Profiler::NYTProf (+1=2)
- Plack::Middleware::Header (+1=2)
- Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy (+1=6)
- pmtools (+1=9)
- Pod::Markdown (+1=4)
- Prima (+1=6)
- PSGI (+1=25)
- RapidApp (+1=2)
- Reflex (+1=6)
- Reply (+1=23)
- Role::REST::Client (+1=4)
- Safe::Isa (+1=7)
- Scalar::List::Utils (+1=64)
- Scope::Upper (+1=8)
- Seis (+2=2)
- SMS::Send (+1=4)
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (+1=14)
- SQL::Abstract::More (+1=8)
- Starman (+2=60)
- Storable (+1=19)
- System::Command (+1=5)
- Task::Plack (+1=3)
- Test::Class (+2=6)
- Test::Class::Moose (+2=5)
- Test::Class::Most (+1=3)
- Test::Deep (+1=20)
- Test::Fatal (+1=22)
- Test::Kwalitee (+1=3)
- Test::Memory::Cycle (+1=5)
- Test::MinimumVersion (+1=5)
- Test::Mocha (+1=2)
- Test::Most (+1=18)
- Test::RDF (+1=2)
- Test::Simple (+2=80)
- Test::Warnings (+1=2)
- Test::WWW::Mechanize (+1=13)
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI (+1=3)
- Text::Sass::XS (+1=4)
- Text::Xslate (+1=29)
- Time::HiRes (+1=24)
- Time::Piece (+1=12)
- Tree::Trie (+2=2)
- Try::Tiny (+3=86)
- Type::Tiny (+2=31)
- Types::Path::Tiny (+1=5)
- Unicode::LineBreak (+1=4)
- URI (+1=53)
- URI::Escape::XS (+1=4)
- Validator::Custom (+1=2)
- Web::Magic (+1=2)
- WWW::Mechanize (+1=44)
- Wx (+1=11)
- Wx::Demo (+1=3)
- XML::Compile (+1=8)
- YAML::Tiny (+1=18)
I think
ResponderEliminarApp::mojopaste (+3=3)
should be under 'Clicked for first time' instead of under 'increasing its reputation'