This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2013-08-31 19:31:38 GMT
- binmode + mod_perl 2.0.5 + Parse::RecDescent = segmentaion fault - [4/1]
- postfix for loop in perl is not working as expected - [3/1]
- Breaking out of a while loop with system commands in Perl using Ctrl-C (SIGINT)? - [3/2]
- Should perl's File::Glob always be post-filtered through utf8::decode? - [3/1]
- Apply my hash to a string to get numbers from letters - [3/2]
- Distinguish one sub invocation from another - [3/3]
- open file in folder with unicode name on Windows - [3/1]
- DBD::Oracle How to set v$session.program BEFORE connect - [3/0]
- Why doesn't perl die set ERRORLEVEL on windows - [3/1]
- Regex: Matching 4-Digits within words - [2/4]
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