This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 92
Week's winner: DBIx::Class::Migration (+3)
Build date: 2013/01/02 22:50:05 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Acme::CPANAuthors::Russian
- Archive::Tar
- autodie::variables
- Business::BalancedPayments
- Curses::UI
- Devel::PL_origargv
- Digest::MurmurHash
- Dist::Zilla::Deb
- Email::Simple::Markdown
- File::DesktopEntry
- File::Map
- File::Write::Rotate
- Hash::SafeKeys
- Input::Validator
- Iterator::Simple
- Language::Prolog::Yaswi
- Lingua::PT::Nums2Words
- Log::Dispatch::MongoDB
- Mojo::Redis
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Redis
- MojoX::Validator
- MozRepl
- Net::SMTP::TLS
- Riemann::Client
- SQL::Statement
- Taint::Runtime
- Template::Tiny
- Text::Capitalize
- Text::Ngramize
Increasing its reputation:
- Acme::CPANAuthors::Korean (+1=2)
- AnyEvent::Redis::RipeRedis (+1=2)
- App::PAUSE::cleanup (+1=2)
- Archive::Zip (+1=8)
- Authen::Simple::DBI (+1=2)
- Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema (+1=8)
- Catalyst::Runtime (+2=62)
- circular::require (+1=4)
- Class::XSAccessor (+1=7)
- Courriel (+1=3)
- Cv (+1=2)
- Data::Rmap (+1=3)
- DBI (+1=74)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (+3=6)
- Devel::Cover (+2=28)
- Devel::NYTProf (+2=44)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover (+1=6)
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Clean (+1=6)
- File::MimeInfo (+1=3)
- File::Slurp (+2=21)
- Function::Parameters (+1=7)
- Future (+1=2)
- Hash::Flatten (+1=4)
- Hash::Merge::Simple (+1=5)
- HTML::Template (+1=4)
- HTML::Zoom (+1=3)
- HTTP::Tiny (+1=15)
- Import::Into (+1=5)
- IO::All (+1=14)
- libwww::perl (+1=43)
- List::MoreUtils (+1=40)
- Log::Dispatch (+2=12)
- Log::Log4perl (+1=14)
- MetaCPAN::API (+1=13)
- MIME::Base64 (+1=3)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization (+1=2)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts (+1=3)
- Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained (+1=2)
- perlsecret (+1=8)
- perlude (+1=2)
- Plack (+1=77)
- Plack::Middleware::Debug (+1=7)
- pmtools (+1=5)
- Proc::Daemon (+1=5)
- Smart::Comments (+1=10)
- Storable (+1=7)
- Store::Opaque (+2=2)
- System::Sub (+1=2)
- Teng (+1=5)
- Test::Pretty (+1=13)
- Text::Caml (+1=3)
- Text::Xslate (+1=13)
- Tie::File (+1=6)
- Tk::Pod (+1=2)
- Variable::Magic (+1=4)
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