This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 129
Build date: 2012/10/31 23:29:19 GMT
Clicked for first time:
- Algorithm::AdaBoost
- App::PAUSE::cleanup
- CatalystX::Test::Most
- Coro::Generator
- Dancer::Plugin::ExtDirect
- DBIx::Log4perl
- Digest
- Digest::SHA1
- Directory::Queue
- File::Tail
- File::Tools
- Filesys::Df
- Filesys::DfPortable
- Filesys::DiskUsage
- Filesys::DiskUsage::Fast
- Filesys::Statvfs
- GitDDL
- HTTP::Headers::ActionPack
- HTTP::Online
- Image::Size
- Lingua::Identify::CLD
- LWP::Curl
- LWP::Online
- makepp
- MIDI::Perl
- Mojolicious::Plugin::MySQLViewerLite
- Moos
- MooseX::RelatedClasses
- Net::DNS
- Object::Pluggable
- POE::Component::Syndicator
- Regexp::Common::time
- Search::Query::Dialect::DBIxClass
- String::Escape
- Sys::Info
- Test::Log::Dispatch
- Text::Roman
- URI::Template
- WWW::PAUSE::CleanUpHomeDir
Increasing its reputation:
- ack (29)
- Alien::Base (2)
- App::AltSQL (4)
- App::perlbrew (56)
- B::Hooks::EndOfScope (3)
- Carp (8)
- Carp::Always (13)
- carton (16)
- Catalyst::Runtime (58)
- Class::XSAccessor (4)
- Coro (12)
- CPAN (8)
- CPAN::Mini (10)
- Crypt::Eksblowfish (4)
- Dancer (72)
- Data::Dumper (10)
- Data::Table (3)
- Date::Calc (4)
- DBD::ODBC (3)
- DBD::Oracle (5)
- DBI (67)
- DBIx::Class::Migration (4)
- DBIx::Lite (4)
- DBIx::Simple (5)
- Devel::NYTProf (31)
- Devel::SizeMe (4)
- Digest::Bcrypt (2)
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker (8)
- Farabi (6)
- FFI::Raw (4)
- File::HomeDir (8)
- File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent (3)
- File::Temp (13)
- Galileo (4)
- Git::Raw (3)
- Git::Repository (7)
- HTML::Parser (10)
- Hubot (3)
- Inline (6)
- JSON (20)
- JSON::XS (26)
- libwww::perl (32)
- List::MoreUtils (38)
- local::lib (22)
- Log::Any (8)
- LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl (3)
- Mason (4)
- Math::Round (3)
- Module::Crypt (2)
- Module::Starter (3)
- Mojolicious (84)
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SQLiteViewerLite (2)
- Moose (98)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts (2)
- PathTools (14)
- perl (75)
- Perl6::Junction (6)
- Pinto (5)
- pmtools (2)
- Pod::Parser (6)
- Poet (3)
- Regexp::Assemble (6)
- Regexp::Common (7)
- Role::Tiny (6)
- Scalar::List::Utils (31)
- Search::Query (2)
- Term::ReadLine::Gnu (6)
- Test::Exception (9)
- Test::Simple (42)
- Tie::File (4)
- Time::HiRes (5)
- URI (24)
- XML::LibXML (25)
- XML::Rabbit (11)
- XML::Twig (17)
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